Lots of points; few controls
Posted 2014-June-04, 15:59
Posted 2014-June-04, 17:24
Posted 2014-June-05, 02:10
Without that I'll bid 3♣. Plan is to look for heart fit (4NT ensues) and follow up with 4♦ + 6♣. Example:
2NT 3♣
3♦ 3♠ (4 hearts)
3NT 4♦
any 6♣
Pard now chooses the appropriate minor suit slam. If he's 4333 I'll have to live with 6NT

Posted 2014-June-05, 02:20
Knowing what our system is would help rather a lot.
Posted 2014-June-05, 02:41
Posted 2014-June-05, 02:55
Lord Molyb, on 2014-June-04, 17:24, said:
whereagles, on 2014-June-05, 02:10, said:
So if partner shows a major in response to 3♣, does 4NT show a fit (RKCB?) or deny a fit (presumably invitational)? Either could be what you want, but how is partner supposed to know what you have in mind?
Posted 2014-June-05, 03:01
3♥-3♠ (or 4♠ maybe?)
Posted 2014-June-05, 05:02
WellSpyder, on 2014-June-05, 02:55, said:
If partner happens to bid hearts, then 4NT is RKCB yes.
If I feel a 4NT mix-up might happen over a heart bid, I'll just play the odds and bid a straight 6♥.
Posted 2014-June-05, 10:53
opposite p 20-22 we are in the 31 to 33 range with no length
(and p probably with no length if they are near max). The spade
Q is highly unlikely to be worth full value. The heart suit is
so bad we need p to have an exceptional heart suit to give us
a reasonable shot for 6. If we are to play this in slam we
would most likely be better off trying for a minor suit fit where
we at least have some stuff and do not require so much from p.
If available I would bid 3s MSS and if p bid 3n (none) I would pass
and over 4c or 4d I would try 4s splinter to see if p wants to play
slam or not (4n from p a sign off over 4s). W/O these tools I will
have to go via the HOG since if perchance p bids 3h I can still
splinter 3s giving us a slam try and not risking getting too high
if hearts do not break.
Posted 2014-June-05, 11:06
helene_t, on 2014-June-05, 03:01, said:
3♥-3♠ (or 4♠ maybe?)
We play:
2N-3♣-3♥-4♠ is KC (so 4N is quant), I would do this even if not playing kickback in other situations
2N-3♣-3♠-4♥ is a slam try agreeing spades
Posted 2014-June-05, 12:54

Posted 2014-June-05, 13:12
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-June-05, 17:00
kenrexford, on 2014-June-05, 13:12, said:
How would you know (w/o special agreement) that is different from 1n 5n which should be
grand slam quant? also what if p bids 3s would 5n now not be gsf (though I admit with
exclusion it is rarely a useful bid as gsf)?
Posted 2014-June-05, 19:03
gszes, on 2014-June-05, 17:00, said:
grand slam quant? also what if p bids 3s would 5n now not be gsf (though I admit with
exclusion it is rarely a useful bid as gsf)?
As you noted, GSF isn't remotely useful. Well, technically I will pay up when I get two voids and four spades. Those 9400.hands just are a bitch for me.
As for grand slam quantitative, which is silliness in the sequence, I am ok with that bizarre conclusion, because the minor grand is likely there if partner bids it.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-June-05, 22:36
2N-3C (sort of Puppetish)
3S (five) will elicit 4NT quant --If opener is 5s/4m we will lose the minor.
3H (five) will beget 3S (slammish for Hearts).
3D (none of the above) will probe for 4-4 heart fit via 3S, then bid 4S (minor suit probe/quant) if no heart fit.
For those who believe those methods suck, you are probably right. But, they accidentally seem to get it done this time.
Posted 2014-June-06, 05:15
aguahombre, on 2014-June-05, 22:36, said:
3D (none of the above) will probe for 4-4 heart fit via 3S, then bid 4S (minor suit probe/quant) if no heart fit.
How do you play a 4♥ rebid over 3NT? One option would be to play 4♥ as showing clubs and 4♠ as showing diamonds. You also have the direct 4M rebids over 3♦ to work with. Many seem either to leave these sequences undefined in their Puppet structures or to assign essentially identical meanings to alternative routes, neither of which is exactly optimal.
Posted 2014-June-06, 06:37
Zelandakh, on 2014-June-06, 05:15, said:
We don't have the direct 4M rebids over 3♦ to work with if we hold a 4-card major and a minor-probing quant, because we would need to bid 3M first.
Having explored for the major and gotten to 3NT, 4H is indeed idle. In your scheme, where 4H shows clubs and 4S shows diamonds, what shows both --as in the OP case?
Our crude version has 4S quant with one or both 4cm, and opener's acceptances then show which minor they would accept as a slam strain (or both).