BBO Version 6.35 Feedback Thread BBO has just been upgraded. Let us know what you think
Posted 2025-January-16, 11:19
The new version contains features like a new Special Events menu, revamped login screen and a few other new features and improvements. Click here for the Release notes.
Comments, feedback, bug reports welcome here. We hope you enjoy these updates, and were looking forward to your feedback.
Posted 2025-January-16, 12:21
diana_eva, on 2025-January-16, 11:19, said:
I like the web app and hope it won't change much. But I would like to propose two changes.
1. In a suit contract, when dummy is the player on the left or bottom side of the screen, reverse the order of his suits so that trumps are shown on declarer's left, as they're supposed to be per the Laws.
2. Allow a player the ability to veto a concession by his partner. This comes up often enough to be worth stopping, usually when declarer has bid an unmakable slam and is such a poor sport that he decides to punish his partner by conceding ALL the tricks when that isn't even a possible outcome.
Posted 2025-January-16, 17:26
This post has been edited by diana_eva: 2025-January-17, 04:46
Posted 2025-January-16, 22:42
diana_eva, on 2025-January-16, 11:19, said:
I ask this every few years, but is BBO ever going to reprogram the hand display so that dummy is displayed in 4 columns of cards, trumps on the left as mandated in the bridge laws? Also, options for different colors of the cards, and different display orders of the suits. And rearranging the hand display so that the player's hand is at the bottom of the display.
The Windows version of BBO had this capability years ago, long before the web based version. Look no farther than RealBridge for what I consider to be a well designed hand display interface which they had from their first implementations.
And instead of clicking on a card or bid, add an option for drag and drop to play cards and make bids. This should reduce the number of unintentional misplays by a noticeable amount.
Posted 2025-January-18, 14:45
diana_eva, on 2025-January-16, 11:19, said:
The new version contains features like a new Special Events menu, revamped login screen and a few other new features and improvements. Click here for the Release notes.
Comments, feedback, bug reports welcome here. We hope you enjoy these updates, and were looking forward to your feedback.
Why cannot you not download the app on an IMac
Posted 2025-January-18, 16:56
I was blocked by a "Mail" inviting me to "Turn on Auto-Refill" which offered a tiny X on the top right but did not respond to any click however precise.
In desperation I tried the button "Check your BB$ settings" but this still offered no "no thank you" option and did not cancel the previous impasse.
I tried to click the X for a minute without success, luckily in the meantime the Windoze PC woke up and I was able (just) to sign up for my tournament.
Not acceptable IMO.
Users should not be haggled to make this choice and it should always be possible to dismiss the message.
Posted 2025-January-19, 08:13
1. When playing teams/IMP scoring, a flat/tied board gets " - - " displayed (two dashes). This is used for BOTH a board awaiting results from other tables and for a board where you are exactly at Par (i.e. in the middle of the field). Please alter this so that 'unscored as yet' gets a U or UN or something (even a dash!) and that a score tied with others (at zero or 50%) gets a zero or EV or a different symbol, such as " = = ". Anything that has only one meaning rather than two.
2. The scoring table for Us/Them could be enhanced to enable easy identification of good/bad results. Pluses/good things (over 75% or whatever) could get a green or light blue colouring (or bold), while negatives or bad things (under par, maybe under 25%) could get a pale pink or amber colouring (or italic). This would make the scoring table easier to search and analyse.
3. On the bidding interface, the Pass button (and DBL and RDBL buttons) should not live anywhere near the line of 1-7 buttons. Currently, Pass is VERY close to the '1' button.
But I really like what you have done generally. The interface is simple and easy to use.
Posted 2025-January-20, 04:45
When I click on the bid panel (using Acol) my first bid, seen top right, almost always shows the explanation of a 1NT bid. My second bid often shows the information for a 1NT rebid. These are clearly bugs and should be easy to fix. Comne to think of it, I think the 2NT rebid features in these as well.
Secondly, The robots have a nasty habit of rebidding their long suit up to crazy levels leading to wild and unmakeable contracts.
Posted 2025-January-23, 04:48
Posted 2025-January-24, 06:03
CDS999, on 2025-January-23, 04:48, said:
If you are on an old version of Safari (Safari 13 or lower), please use Chrome and see if that works. Alternatively, upgrade your operating system and your browser - although I know Apple might not offer this option for older devices.
Posted 2025-January-25, 03:42
Beeman6, on 2025-January-20, 04:45, said:
When I click on the bid panel (using Acol) my first bid, seen top right, almost always shows the explanation of a 1NT bid. My second bid often shows the information for a 1NT rebid. These are clearly bugs and should be easy to fix. Comne to think of it, I think the 2NT rebid features in these as well.
Secondly, The robots have a nasty habit of rebidding their long suit up to crazy levels leading to wild and unmakeable contracts.
Those are robot related questions/comments which are unrelated to the general BBO interface. There is a separate forum called BBO Robot Discussion to post issues about robots.
Posted Today, 11:18