P_Marlowe, on 2023-June-29, 11:35, said:
I would start with X, followed by 2H, which should cancel the meaning of X (4spades).
Opener will bid 3C, and 3NT will end the auction, and it will be 3NT+3, after the heart
attack. Next board.
We play, that X denies 4 spades, but this wont help here a lot, you still play MP.
Even without the intervention getting to 6C in a convincing manner will be hard.
With kind regards
If double shows 4 spades (or 4-5), bidding 2H over opener’s 1S does NOT cancel the meaning of the negative double! It merely establishes a game force and usually implies somevslam interest….in spades!
As for how to reach slam, methods matter.
Most players, who use x to show precisely 4 spades, will have a terrible time with this.
I prefer to use x for 4-5 spades, 2H for 6+ spades and 1S for both minors, especially since I prefer to play that 1C shows 2+ and can have (much) longer diamonds if balanced, but that isn’t exactly mainstream.
In the context of the methods given, I think I’d bid 2D (though knowing east’s hand makes me want to bid 2H instead).
Over 2D, opener bids 2S, and west is back in nightmare territory. With only one stopper and no assurance of any source of tricks (give east 4=2=3=4, same hcp, and slam is a long way off.
I don’t think I would reach slam playing normal methods.
Over 2H, which is my choice when I know east has long clubs, we still have a problem. After 2S by opener, responder still can’t come close to counting enough tricks…once again, opener could be 4=2=3=4. The 2S bid is not to try to play in spades, but to allow west to bid notrump….looking at AKQx in spades, opener knows that west may well be worried about that suit (2H doesn’t promise a big hand).
Hats off to any pair that finds slam honestly….as in, not based on knowing what partner holds and reaching it with confidence. Frankly, I’d have real trouble accepting that many posters here could do that. As is so often the case, showing all the cards distorts the comments, at least imo.
Having said that, in my preferred methods, I bid 1S, opener bids 2C (no sense showing spades at this juncture given that responder hasn’t shown more than about a 6 count so far) and now responder knows opener has real clubs. 2H gets the gf established, and over 2S by opener, responder bids 3C. Slam is now possible but not assured.
Big club players would have a far easier time, since east starts with 2C.
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