Limericks Speaks for itself
Posted 2005-June-11, 10:29
my p came to my aid
4 clubs was her bid
4 diamonds was mine
she stole my heart with a 4
I rose to the occasion with a memory equation
1 club 1 heart from my p = 7NT from me
dam to quick
when there is a hulabaloo
please let me undo
before my p lynches me
Posted 2005-June-12, 11:09
and his goal of great play unobtainable
through grit and his wits
and playing 4/3 fits
phone calls now are for some fellow named Hannibal.
Posted 2005-June-12, 14:47

“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2005-June-13, 07:29
the irrepressible Kiwi who married a Canadian, on yesterday, 03:47 PM, said:

I was wondering where Steven Spielberg had got his inspiration from..
Posted 2005-June-13, 07:54
jillybean2, on Jun 12 2005, 11:47 PM, said:

I REALLY like this one.
Unfortunately, Fred isn't small and green. I don't see much we can do about his height. It might be possible to dye him, though...
Posted 2005-June-13, 09:36
hrothgar, on Jun 13 2005, 08:54 AM, said:
Well so long as he doesn't need his feet for anything this sounds solvable ...
Posted 2005-June-13, 10:16

Posted 2005-June-13, 12:08
aisha759, on Jun 13 2005, 11:16 AM, said:

i bet his middle names aer Ira Lech (I.L.)

thats my complimentary longhorn OS CD gone down the draino

Posted 2005-June-13, 15:30
(Tongue firmly planted in cheek) If you don't think this is an anagram, ask BOB what he thinks!

Posted 2005-June-13, 18:41
It brought to mind a question for all you English scholars out there. Is there a quota: on the number: of colons: one may use: in any one: sentence?
Posted 2005-June-14, 17:12
you know the truth is I never raised ya
throughtout the bad bids
i kept my strength hid
and now i'm giving bridge lessons in Kenya
..a suitably awful end to this thread i hope Dog

Posted 2005-June-14, 19:25
Madonna couldn't have sung it better!
Posted 2005-June-14, 19:27
I'll have to dig out all my old Mad Magazines: "Sung to the tune of...."
Posted 2013-March-02, 07:32
As I'm sure all BBO members have heard eh?
Instead he now uses it for Texas
But this for his partner it vexes
Saying, "In this game you will go no further!"
Posted 2013-March-02, 11:29
Something which he absolutely refuses to have in his armoury
"Why waste a good bid?"
Asking is all that he did
"Please use 2♦ for anything else and humour me!"
Posted 2013-March-02, 15:48
We're all here, we know its name.
From 7 clubs to 1 spade
All the contracts he made
But his partner he would blame.

Posted 2013-March-02, 21:53
No, no! Said the ACBL who veto
A system that's funny
Reduces the money
I tried, said Richard, and ate a frito
Posted 2013-March-03, 00:21
Whose newest goal was to be a Life Master
So he went to the Club
But was proven a dub
Now pretty lasses are all that he's after

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts."
-Alfred Sheinwold
Posted 2013-March-03, 00:27
Playing bridge turned out to be his life’s call
By using sterling defence
The pressure was immense
And so he made all his opponents feel small
Posted 2013-March-03, 03:48
exceeded the maximum quorum.
If they can't learn to scan,
their posts we should ban
and restore us a sense of decorum.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq