Limericks Speaks for itself
Posted 2005-June-08, 11:05
Posted 2005-June-08, 13:27
Who couldn't tell black cards from red.
If a diamond was played
He would put on a spade
So he now plays backgammon instead.
It's not about our Fred, of course.
Posted 2005-June-08, 15:05
Who's schooling went down the draino
At night and unseen
He masquerades as Justine
And signs all BBO posts as Jane O.
#24 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-June-08, 15:10
Winstonm, on Jun 8 2005, 04:05 PM, said:
Who's schooling went down the draino
At night and unseen
He masquerades as Justine
And signs all BBO posts as Jane O.
who's schooling went down the draino was awesome

Posted 2005-June-08, 15:15
Who majored in bridge discussion
With no active peers
Due to very few years
He created his alternate - Dustin.
Posted 2005-June-08, 15:28
Who some thought was from Poland
But they force with pass
While he bids fast
Bad slams blamed on Smolen
Posted 2005-June-08, 17:31
Who was never rude
But he did rhyme
As he was biding his time
And all that while he was in the nude
Yentl (im new here)
Posted 2005-June-08, 17:33
Posted 2005-June-08, 17:39
who's bidding is sometimes serene
she passes a lot
only bids what she's got
I wouldn't double her in YOUR dreams.
Posted 2005-June-08, 17:46
Who is sometimes mistook for Al Rothy
But while Al bids online games
Slothy's bidding's too lame
Besides, Al's disc ain't a floppy!
Posted 2005-June-08, 18:12
Winstonm, on Jun 8 2005, 11:39 PM, said:
who's bidding is sometimes serene
she passes a lot
only bids what she's got
I wouldn't double her in YOUR dreams.
Doh!, again, maybe I'll create a new account with FluffyDog as nick, it seems you english/american dudes guess my genre better under that nickname.
Ups sorry this doesn't rhyme.
Posted 2005-June-08, 18:18
Whose education took some crammin'
He read all about bridge
By the light of the fridge
And graduated Phi Beta Slammin'
Posted 2005-June-08, 18:22

There is a Fluffy young person it seems
who's bidding is sometimes serene
He or she passes a lot
only bids what he or she's got
I wouldn't double him or her in YOUR dreams.
Some people are SO touchy. LoL.

Posted 2005-June-08, 18:31
All tried to ride the same bike
When the last took his seat
They collapsed in a heap
Now there are 777 Mike
Posted 2005-June-08, 18:48
Treatment is available.
Posted 2005-June-08, 19:01

Posted 2005-June-08, 19:16
Rodwell: Lord Lew
Posted 2005-June-08, 23:08
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2005-June-09, 00:52
Oh my God, what I have I done!
Posted 2005-June-09, 05:07
"Fred Gitelman, CEO" = "I'm a decent golfer"
Not sure if he plays golf, though...