1) The Teaching Table host is often a Kibitzer. As a Kibitzer the Undo Button is not available to the teacher. The Undo Button is necessary for the teacher. Please add it ASAP.
2) Players and Kibitzers at a teaching table often want to save hands. A feature in the flash version allows saving all the hand results with one request to a folder. In v3 software, hands can be saved one at a time. The process is not easy and as far as I can tell the teaching table hands do not end up in personal history for players or kibitzers unless manually saved before the table is closed. Can the "save all hands" option be added?
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Needed Teaching Table Enhancements
Posted 2020-November-29, 18:43
This post is 15 years old, and the teacher at the teaching table STILL can't give an UNDO!
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