We have had unusually high temperatures in the UK recently and maybe the heat was affecting everyone’s judgement on this hand from a club Match-point pairs facing opponents that we would expect to score well against.
North opened one diamond and my partner intervenes with a three spade overcall (very restrained by her standards). South bids four hearts, I pass and North now bids four no trumps. We didn’t ask, but this was probably intended as natural and South now, of course, responds five clubs. It seemed instinctively obvious to me to double this – if the bid is natural I want to make a penalty double and if it is a Blackwood response I want to suggest a lead …
North took an age over the next bid and after asking partner what the double showed (response: lead directing) decided to bid five hearts, ending the auction. I needed to select a lead and elected to lead partner’s suit. Declarer wins in dummy and plays a trump, won perforce by partner.
Decision time: does partner give me a ruff (we lead the top card from a doubleton) or return a diamond? – which also sets the contract. She takes her time before obediently selecting the club indicated by my lead-directing double.
A top transformed into a bottom. What was the worst error?