The TD was mildly surpised to see two regular players from the evening session - a player who acts like the SB and one who, like the Rueful Rabbot, likes to indulge in all the fancy systems that they can find and half remember.
At the start of the event the TD welcomed everyone and said (inter alia) - "Remember we are playing this event under what are known as Level 2 Partnership Understandings (as shown on pages 21 - 22 of the Blue Book). If you have any queries please call me and I'll help."
On the first hand RR (sitting table 1), picked up
And 'opened' -Pass - which was duly alerted by SB.
East, being a novice and not having seen an opening pass alerted, asked for an explanation. SB was delighted to explain: -
"12-14 points, balanced hand with both majors. This way we can use the 2♣ convention over a natural 1NT more effectively as we will know that partner will never have the other major."
East was sure that he had never read about passes as showing values, especially in a novice event, thought that the Director should be called.
SB was quick off the mark.
"Although in a level 4 event "A pass before any player has bid must not show, or usually have, any values" - 7A2 in the Blue Book as every one knows, such a limitation does NOT appear at a Level 2 event. There is therefore no irregularity. Please note that all our 2 bids are natural showing 0-9 points and at least 4 cards in the suit - which meets 6D1, so there is no possibility of being 'fixed' for a bid.
The TD looked at the pages, could find nothing to prevent this and sent a note to the appeals committee appealing on behalf of himself.
How do you rule?