MrAce, on 2015-March-27, 05:27, said:
I'd splinter and tell my story in 1 bid.
we've seen this debate many times before, and it will surprise few to learn that I disagree with the splinter.
My view is that 'my story' includes not merely near-opening to minimum opening values, 4 trump and a stiff but also, and very importantly, a potential trick source. I consider it a crime to conceal the hearts when I have a full opening bid, great trump, and KQxxx in hearts.
We have seen threads before in which some people, for reasons that they have stated but which make little sense to me, assert that they systemically deny 4 spades when they bid 2
♥, so if one does decide to handicap oneself in that way, then the choice is as the OP suggested: splinter or Jacoby. I don't like either alternative, but if forced to play such a constrained method, I would choose jacoby on the basis that this hand is simply too good to splinter.
Consider this: we splinter and partner bids 4
♥. Now, if that is LTTC, we have a huge hand and yet no descriptive call. If it is the heart A, and it can hardly be anything else if we don't play LTTC, then our trick-taking potential has gone through the roof.....maybe we can keycard, but I'd hate to do that and find partner with KQxxx AJx Axx xx and be unable to distinguish it from KQxxx Axx xxx Ax. Note that he can hardly keycard with that hand, since while he will usually be able to know how many fast losers we have, he won't be able to tell whether we have 12 tricks.
Thus the splinter, while possibly working out when partner can take charge, creates a lot of guesswork on other common layouts, and meanwhile hides a very important feature of the hand.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari