VixTD, on 2014-July-11, 07:14, said:
What do you really think would have happened if East had played low smoothly? Unless South thinks they're playing against beginners who would think about covering the ten, they're on a complete guess here, and would be quite likely to play for the drop, or even run the ten if they were betting on East's inability to underplay the queen without a hitch. The more I think about it, the more I think that giving them even as much as 50 or 60% of 6♣= is overgenerous.
I was dummy on this hand, so I can't be sure what South was going to play, but would be reasonably confident in my assessment that neither was he (and that that is what he would say if asked by the TD). I would also be reasonably confident that he was indeed hoping to learn something from East's tempo (and that that is why he couldn't yet say what his plan was) - East was very far from a beginner, but also not an expert. A typical club player of several decades' standing, perhaps.
But I don't understand your suggestion that a declarer hoping to learn something from East's inability to underplay the queen without a hitch might decide to run the ten if East had played low smoothly. Isn't that completely contradictory?