How to advance???? What do you need to know, how can you find out?
A common result, including at the table I was watching, was +720 for 4♥ making 7. This was worth slightly more than 50% by beating those in the alternative contract of 4♠, making 6. The only ones reaching 6♥ were those where West began with a pass.
Here are the hands:
Partner does not need that ♠K for his overcall, right? We can all bash to 6♥ but is there a way to get there with some confidence that it makes?
Incidentally, suppose that the ♦K is led. It seems that if you bring in hearts, as in this case you do, you make 7. If you do not bring in the hearts, you usually make only 5. It's not quite true that if South could see North's hand he would say that 6♥ is a slam dunk, and he may well conclude that he might as well bid 7 if he is up for bidding 6.