Fluffy, on 2013-August-10, 16:44, said:
We cannot defeat unless partner has 2 spades, for partner to have 2 spades declarer has to be 6-4, if declarer had 4 clubs he would be void in hearts which is unlikely, so win the ace and return one.
There is also another reason, if declarer has ♠Kx we need to score the ruff now or declarer might play from the top.
Also leading ♣A form ♠Ax ♦10x ♣Axxx(x) is an option.
I agree with you. In one room, on a similar auction, the T
♦ could not be a doubleton and the defender rose and gave his partner a ruff. In this room the defender ducked, which surprised me, coming as it did from a world-class player. It would seem that in such situations it is always right to play partner for a singleton. Playing him for a doubleton also requires him, as you suggest, to have
♠ Ax as a minimum. Another small problem is that partner cannot always tell you have the ace of diamonds.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar