barmar, on 2013-June-09, 11:26, said:
[...]I'm not sure I would even be against allowing dummy to draw attention to an irrgularity.
That is a fair and reasonable opinion, and maybe this eventually will become allowed.
But presently the rule is that dummy may not in any way (except as explicitly permitted) participate in the play.
Now, to what extent is the argument valid that drawing attention to an irregularity implicitly draws attension also to a previous irregularity by the same player? In my opinion it never does.
Consider the following:
West revokes but nobody reacts.
West revokes again in the same suit in a later trick but now immediately exclaims that he has a card in the suit led.
Nobody says anything about the first revoke.
Is dummy now allowed to call the director for this first revoke? In my opinion of course not!