blackshoe, on 2012-May-04, 07:49, said:
There are more ways to make than 3-3 clubs. QJ tight of spades makes slam easy. You have squeeze possibilities with long clubs + long diamonds or long spades + long diamonds or long spades + long clubs. This is not a horrible slam to be in (nor is it a horrible slam to miss).
So it's better than 36%. How much better? Not a whole lot, I think. Still, I take your point.
QJ tight of spades doesn't add much. 4-2 splits are about 48%, but only 1/15 of them are QJ tight. So +3.2%. (I'll ignore that the chance of 4-2 spades changes slightly when we know clubs aren't 3-3).
You are missing 7 diamonds. If diamonds split 4-3 (which they do 62% of the time) then the long diamonds and long clubs are not that unlikely: the person with 4 diamonds will have 4+ clubs 25.85% of the time. If diamonds split 5-2 (which they do 31% of the time) then the long diamonds and long clubs are more unlikely: the person with 5 diamonds will have 4+ clubs 16.56% of the time. A 6-1 split [7%] gives up long-long of 9.47%.
Adding just those up (because I don't want to combine with spade squeezes and QJ tight) we get:
3-3 club gives us +36%
QJ tight of spades gives us another +2.05% (3.2% of the times not 3-3)
d4-3 and longC-longD gives us another +9.93% (.62*.2585 of the times not 3-3 and not QJ tight)
d5-2 and longC-longD gives us another +2.67%
d6-1 and longC-longD gives us another +0.33%
Add it all up and ignoring even any spade-diamond or spade-club squeeze and just playing for QJ spades tight or club-diamond squeeze or club 3-3 gives you a 50.975% chance of making the contract. I'd call the extra 15% or so a fair bit better. But still it obviously isn't a disaster to miss a barely over 50% slam.