I finesse at trick one, because that allows me to take a safety play in trumps.
♥ to the 8 unless East plays an honour. If hearts are 3-2, I have twelve tricks including one club ruff. If East has
♥QJxx and doesn't split, I cash a third heart, then cash my winners and eventually ruff a club.
If East splits from
♥QJxx, I win, then play
♦Q throwing a club, club ruff, reaching this position:
East has
♥Q6 left.
I lead dummy's top spades, planning to throw two clubs. Assuming that East was 1444, 1453 or 1435, it doesn't matter what he does - if he ruffs the first spade low I overruff, ruff a club (to which he will follow), and lead the other top spade; if he discards on the first spade and ruffs the second spade low, I overruff and ruff my last club; if he never ruffs I have a crossruff.
This line fails if the shapes are 6115-1462. I'll know about this after the second round of diamonds, but I haven't yet decided what I'd do about it.