Cyberyeti, on 2012-February-13, 03:43, said:
gordontd, on 2012-February-13, 04:08, said:
What a pity this was not originally given here as a poll!

phil_20686, on 2012-February-13, 11:02, said:
This maybe the way you play it, but I do not think it is the way most people play it. I think most people double if they feel they are too strong to overcall, and hope that the future will not be too difficult.
phil_20686, on 2012-February-13, 15:11, said:
Doubling is even worse if bidding later shows a "strong single suiter" in the old style. Where are they expecting to go over a 3d response? Are they really never going to mention hearts over a club response? If partner has xxx Qxx KQxx xxx how are they planning to reach 4H without showing a hand too strong to bid 3H?
You should never dble with this shape unless you are planning to show a strong hand with 5+ hearts. This is a good hand. Showing a flexible hand with 5 hearts seems routine. If you arent prepared to do that at the 4 level, you should bid 3H and show your fifth heart. Obviously if they are terrible anything might be happening, but the OP seemed to indicate they were competent if not stellar.
Perhaps we should have polled, but given that peers are those who doubled first, I find it very hard to believe that they would go to bed without every planning to show that heart suit.
Your argument is basically that its "logical" to make a take out double with x AQJxx xx KQxxx. And I dont know anyone who would dble with that hand.
This forum is for rulings. You certainly do know someone who would double with that hand: the North in this particular case. It is easy to argue it was a mistake, though doing so because it went wrong is jolly easy - I have at least two result merchants as partners. Look at the alternatives: Leaping Michaels not only gets you unnecessary negative scores when you are just too high, but may also get you the odd -800. Bidding 3♥ will get you some +170s. My solution? Quite irrelevant: this is not a bidding forum. All I would say is that double is not that dreadful and it is not relevant how bad a choice it is anyway.
As for doubling and not planning to show the heart suit, of course that is ridiculous: there is little doubt that doublers hope to show the suit at the 3-level. But sometimes life sucks.