Debate in T-Walsh
Posted 2012-January-28, 20:31
Do you prefer
1♣* - 1♦**
to show
a) A weak NT (and a 1N rebid is 18-19)
b) at least three hearts (and a 1N rebid is 12-14)
* - could be short
** - hearts
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-January-28, 21:09
Almost thinking that 1C-1D, 1S should show an unbalanced hand. That leaves 1C-1D, 1H-1S as natural and forcing.
Curious what others come up with.
Posted 2012-January-28, 22:55
- 1C:1R, 1M is harder to penalise than 1C:1R, 1NT
- No more decisions about whether to pull 1NT to 2M on a five-card suit
- Occasionally you'll be allowed to score +80
- You can find 4-4 spade fits on weak hands after 1C:1D, 1H
- Much better auctions when opener is strong balanced
- 2NT rebid is free for 6C3M [admittedly playing 1C:1D, 1H as three cards will solve this hand too]
I wouldn't play 1C:1R, 1NT as narrower than a 1NT opening. If you don't want to open flat 11s then play a 2.5 point range [good 14-16 or 15-bad 17] and give up your way of inviting in NT without a four-card major.
Posted 2012-January-29, 02:18
You have so much space after this start that I doubt you will find difficulties with anything you try. I play 1♥ = 3 card support, but that´s just because its the way the taught me and have been playing it for many years without thinking about alternatives.
We are very (too much) solid responding 1♣, but I supose that the lighter you respond the better it will be to be able to stay low.
Posted 2012-January-29, 03:11
I accept the transfer with all balanced 14-16 and any unbalanced hand with 3M and less than GF. This means that acceptance is pretty much forcing but I think it should be or you are wasting a lot of good sequences.
I also start GF major hands with transfer to hearts and use 1♣ - 1♦ - 1♥ - 1♠ as natural or (any) GF. Really cheap and good GF sequence that comes up quite often.
So I wouldn't pick either one of those but sort of a mix
Of course this route requires more agreements on continuations.
Posted 2012-January-29, 03:18
MickyB, on 2012-January-28, 22:55, said:
- 1C:1R, 1M is harder to penalise than 1C:1R, 1NT
- No more decisions about whether to pull 1NT to 2M on a five-card suit
- Occasionally you'll be allowed to score +80
- You can find 4-4 spade fits on weak hands after 1C:1D, 1H
- Much better auctions when opener is strong balanced
- 2NT rebid is free for 6C3M [admittedly playing 1C:1D, 1H as three cards will solve this hand too]
This is essentially what I play too. A lot of our system came from Fallenius-Welland and then Fallenius-Fredin (PDF) - worth a read if you are looking for ideas.
Posted 2012-January-29, 03:51
1♣-1♦-1N = 17-19 BAL
This is how transfer responses after 1♣ is usually played in Sweden.
Posted 2012-January-29, 05:12
mich-b, on 2012-January-29, 05:05, said:
If opener has the UNBAL type , can he have extras? Does a 2♣ rebid deny 3♥s?
1♥ is always a minimum hand, not forcing.
With weak 3-card support and strong 6+ ♣-suit, I'd rebid 2♣. So the answer to your question is; no, 2♣ does not deny 3♥.
Posted 2012-January-29, 06:09
of course you then need to decide what you do with 5431 shapes with 3 card support or 63s. in standard bidding you would normally support to the 2-level. here you could complete but then you lose definition on the completion or you could jump complete and lose the promise of the 4th trump.
Posted 2012-January-29, 06:24
Having 1c-1d-1N as 18-19 without 4 hearts is a surprisingly big gain surprisingly often, especially as you (should be) playing that you open 1d as 5+ and so one club is commonly two or three cards, thus partner should be prepared to transfer into a major on junk when short in clubs. Knowing you are not going to be playing 2N improves this a lot.
Finally, playing this way improves the auctions like 1d-1M-2N as now you can play this as showing a hand that is 36 with extras. Of course, this means with 18-19 balanced you cannot open 1d even when you have five diamonds, but that is a small loss imo.
There is some discussion about what one should do with 43(15) hands, if you bid a spade over a diamond here for me it is NF, as 2S would be GF, but passing is extremely rare. My own style is just to bid 2H on any hand where you would raise hearts in standard, but never a weak nt with three card support. Another style is just to complete with 3 card support, in an unbalanced hand, and bid 2h if partner bids a NT. That also has much to recommend it.
One important feature is to play checkback after all completed transfers, i like 3-way (2c/d/nt). This means that 1c-1d-1h-1s should show no interest in came and 44 in the majors from responder. Asking opener to choose the best partscore.
Posted 2012-January-29, 12:55
1♣-1♦-1♥ = (a) 11-13 balanced, 2-3 hearts OR (b) 11-15 unbalanced, exactly 3 hearts
1♣-1♦-1NT = 17-19 balanced, 2-3 hearts
phil_20686, on 2012-January-29, 06:24, said:
This has been improved upon previously in these forums
1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠ = 0-3 spades weak, or any invite
1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-1NT/2♣-pass = weak
1♣-1♦-1♥-1♠-1NT/2♣-anybid = invitational
1♣-1♦-1♥-1NT = 4 spades, non-forcing
Learned this from jlall.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-January-29, 13:23
-Complete = something resembling a weak NT, or unbalanced with 3-card support less than a reverse (i.e. non-forcing)
- 1NT = good 17- bad 20. I really like putting some 20s into the 1C opening, it stops you having to play in 2NT opposite nothing and the range is no wider than an opening 1NT (good 14- bad 17). If I've got a 20-count, there's no 5-card suit.
"something like" a weak NT means I would complete on, say, Kxx K QJxx K109xx, although I would rebid 2C on Axx x Jxxx KQJ10x
As others have said, this allows responder to bid on nothing in response to 1C, and allows 1C - 1red - 2M to promise 4-card support, which is quite handy for game bidding.
For continuations after 1C-1D-1H you can play 1S as artificial, or you can play 1S as natural, non-forcing. Although it looks obvious to play 1S as a relay, you actually gain so many sequences it's hard to think of meanings for them all, and so far we've stuck with it as natural and weak.
Posted 2012-January-30, 08:17
FrancesHinden, on 2012-January-29, 13:23, said:
I found this too, added to which the chance to always find a 4-4 major fit if you hold one at MP is a huge gain over most people. Its the only concession that I make to MP strategy in the system, cause its a big gain and it has little cost. I already have almost too many checkback sequences available.
Also worth discussion is whether you play a full round of transfers or stop at 1N. Some people like to be able to bid NT from either side, others (like me) prefer to do transfers up to 2c.
I play after 1c
1d/h=transfer to a major
1s= transfer to NT, basically natural except GF hands with 4M5+diamonds, and invitational NT hands.
1N=transfer to clubs, basically any strength 5+Hcp, partner is expected to bounce to 3c with 12-14and 4 card support, else complete. bidding a major immediately is natural 5-4 etc, can contain a 4cM if GF
2c = transfer to diamonds, GF, denies a 4cM
2d/h/s = wjs, but 2d tends to be much weaker as cannot get into diamonds with 3361 shape and junk.
2N = both minors inv+
3c/d = invitational with 6 carder (give up the preemptive raise since can transfer to clubs and get a bounce)
3M= natural, pre
Posted 2012-January-30, 10:06
3♦ no 3-card support (now 3M shows stopper)
3♥ 6-3 with ♦ shortness
3♠ 6-3 with oM shortness
3NT 6-3-2-2 with 3-card support
Responder may also bid 3♦ over 2NT to initially probe for stoppers, but may be a move towards slam agreeing ♣. 3M is natural.
The rest of the structure I like is as follows:
1♠ transfer to NT, may include GF ♣ hands.
1NT natural invite (keeps you low when opener is declining)
2♣ weak or GF with ♦
2♦ natural invite
2♥ 4-9 5♠ 4/5♥
2♠ invitational with ♣ support
2NT both minors <INV
3♣ 7-9 HCP 6+♣
3♦/M weak
Posted 2012-February-01, 11:32
After completing the transfer we play responder passes with a 5 card suit and a less than invitational hand, and even if there is a 5-2 fit it scores better than 1NT. Of course, responder having passed (showing 5), when 4th seat comes in with a 2m, 2M from opener now shows 3.
After opener's rebid of NT, which shows strength but could be 2 or 3, we play transfers from responder to show 5. This could be weak, but may not be, and opener bids 2M with 3 card support, or 2NT without. You have the values for 2NT, or course.
On other points raised in this thread, we play :
1♣ 1♦ 1♠ as 4 spades in a hand that is 4xx6. It denies a 4315, as that hand rebids 1♥, because if responder has 4 spades he will bid them. He cannot be a weak 45xx shape. However, a 4306 opener will convert 2♣ to 2♥ at MPs.
1♣ 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ is the sequence where responder shows a less than invitational hand with 4-4 in the majors. (When responder is invitational with 4-4 (or just one 4 card major) we start with a transfer to 1NT then 2♣ stayman.) However, the mgoetze/jlall idea of reversing the 1♠/1NT responder rebids is a good one.
1♣ 1NT is for us a weak 5-4 in the majors hand, opener bidding a 4 card major if he has one, else 2C, whereupon responder transfers to the 5 card major.
Incidentally, we play that 1♣ guarantees at least 2 cards in each major. If you don't do this, many sequences would be suspect (eg 1♣ 1♦ 1♥ pass, for example).
Posted 2012-February-01, 12:00
Posted 2012-February-01, 13:23
We play
1♣ - 1♦ - 2NT as one of
- game forcing with clubs (may have 3 hearts)
- 18-19 balanced with 4 hearts
- void splinter in diamonds or spades
- 18-20 (approx) 2=4=2=5
- 3-7 specifically semi-FG with hearts and clubs
- 1=5=1=6 raise to game expecting to make it (1C-1D-4H = 1516 minimum)
1♣-1♦-2♠ as one of
- game forcing with spades and clubs (and you have to be very, very strong to game force so this is rare as no 2C opening)
- spade mini-splinter
- 3-6 invitational
They all fit in!
Posted 2012-February-01, 13:32
FrancesHinden, on 2012-February-01, 13:23, said:
1♣ - 1♦ - 2NT as one of
- game forcing with clubs (may have 3 hearts)
- 18-19 balanced with 4 hearts
- void splinter in diamonds or spades
- 18-20 (approx) 2=4=2=5
- 3-7 specifically semi-FG with hearts and clubs
- 1=5=1=6 ...
Kokish had room for the 1=4=1=7