I would be interested in feedback from members (all 480 of you ;D) on whether or not you would USE (i.e. read, take on board and apply ) the information posted to such a Forum if John T was to set it up .
If the answer is a resounding "yes please" we would then have to do some arm twisting to find a/some knowledgable person/s to volunteer to post info to the forum at regular (weekly ?) intervals.
And, ofcourse, all members could post any interesting hint they have found out for themselves - share and share alike.
I know we should all read and refer back to John G's great new help file (Couldn't help but notice only 34 of 481 members have read my post entitled New Help File :'( )
There are a myriad of little helpful 'tricks', shortcuts etc. that one may have read about but tend to forget.
e.g. a frustrated user recently pleaded 'how do I get rid of all these chat bubbles ?" " Just press Esc", I replied - "Oh, TY, TY
e.g. how many use the Chat Room (via Training Rooms button) to discuss any fascinating aspects of hands they have just played ? to discuss their bidding strategies before setting up a table to play ? etc. OR
do most people assume that because it is in the Training Room section it is for the use of Teacher/Pupil ? , that one needs to be an Expert to use it ?
There must be HEAPS of interesting things about BBO that we (members) just don't take advantage of.
If this topic was confined to it's own Forum it would serve as a useful reference for all newcomers and make it easy to look up (for those of us (aged voids) with short term memories :
Well - should we ask ? :-/ :-/