2) Does a 1NT overcall still show 12-14? Absolutely not, this way disaster comes. Standard 1NT overcalls, or if you are adventuresome, overcall 1NT (weak three suit takeouts)
3) From what I've read, Cappeletti (and Hamilton) use a penalty double after 1NT. How effective is this? Do you use it with partners who are willing?
I like DONT against 1NT that include 15 hcp in the range, Hamilton against 12-14, 11-14 type 1NT, and against 9-12, 10-12, 9-14, 10-13 1NT I prefer either Cansino or modified Cansino (dbl = penalty, 2C = playable in clubs and two other suits, 2D = majors (cansino or majors + diamonds in mod), 2H = hearts, 2S = spades, 2N = minors, 3C = clubs, 3D = diamonds).
4) Do you use transfers with a 12-14 NT, or do you prefer to keep 2D as a bailout in diamonds?
Depends upon partner. Often, I use 2D as game forcing stayman or with two old partners, my own pet convention... invitational 2D, inviting opener to game, strain yet unknown. Opener bids 2H if would reject game try in hearts.... if accept game try in hearts, bids 2S if would reject game try in spades, if would accept game try in spades... then bids 2NT if would reject try in NT (not very likely if accepting both hearts and spades)...etc. So auction can go 1N-2D-2H-pass... responder had game try in hearts, opener rejected... if auction goes 1N-2D-2S-3S Opener rejected game try in spades, responder makes a retry in spades giving opener a chance to change his mind... a very strong game try.
I use the invite 2D with any invintational hand without a four card major (or 2 five card majors). This frees up 2NT, 3C, 3D, and 3H to be transfers if you like (I play this way). 3D, 3H are game forcing transfers. 3C and 2NT are either very weak signoff or game forcing. So... 1N-2N-3C-3H responder shows long clubs. 4+ hearts, and game force. I also play 1N-2C-2D-3D as artificial and forcing, asking opener to bid a 3 card major, 1N-2C-2D-3H as invintational with longer hearts than spades, etc.
5) When you play this in a field where a strong NT is more common (i.e. BBO), do you alert?
I try to remember to announce my notrump range everytime I use it, regardless of the range...at least the first time used against any pair. This gets sillly an hour or two into playing against the same pair in the BBO.
6) Playing a strong NT, and using the rule of 20 for openings, I will almost always pass a 4333 shape with 12 pts, and sometimes pass 4332s and (less often)5332s. Do you open all/almost all 12-14 balanced hands? Do you open doggy looking 15 pointers as 1NT?
I open 4-3-3-3 hands, 12 point hands 1NT. This is why one chooses the weak NT system. I also open 5-2-3-3 11 point hands 1NT (wider range). Do I open 15 point hands 1NT? Generally no. However, hand evaluation is an important part of bridge. If you think a 15 point hand is not worth 15 points, then it is not a 15 point hand....