For those of you who have participated, let me thankyou for your patience. We are off to a bit of a rough start because we face one anticipated and one not aniticpated learning curve. We knew the players lack of familiarity with the format and process of play would cause delays. iT HAS been a little worse than I expected-in part because so many played on Sunday-but also because despite my pleas for days it was apparant that less than 10% of the players read the announcements or rules. I can/t honestly say for sure whether I would have either(hey I know how to play bridge) but that caused a great deal of delay ande confusion in getting set up.; We also wind up answering the same questions over and over again-the answers to which are invariably in the unread announcements. Well play dropped off last night-I think we had 10 tables or so which is quite manageable and more in line what we expected. As players learn the game things will go much more smoothly. We are going to limit the evening tournaments to 16 tables so early registration is suggested.
I have run this format of tournament at another site more than 50 times and all of our other directors are highly experienced-generally more so than I-but what I did not expect was the learning curve required of the directors to deal with the BBO system. This is not a criticism of the system at all. we are thrilled with the support Fred and everyone at BBO has given,. The program simply takes some getting used to and that has caused us both delay and confusion. We will do it better every time out, We are trying to work the kinks and we will.
Please continue to come out and play. these are intended to be fun events for You.,
Finally-there are a few players-and I mean just a few - who must think we are being paid the big bucks for putting on the tournaments. We are volunteers. We put on these tournaments because we enjoy playing in them and know how much fun they provide as an alternative form of competition. We hope all of you come and play and have a great time-we have spent a lot of time trying to get it right and will continue to be better and better. I am more than happy and infact encourage constructive criticism and suggestions for how to make the game better/ On the other hand I do not want to hear my directors being cursed out-when all we are doing is the best we can for you. i hope that's not unreasonable on my part. We certainly don't want to offend anyone or make unone unhappy. We try our best to be responsive, Believe me we want you to be happy-we are as frustrated as you are if things don't go right-perhaps more so. I would hope that if you don't have something nice to say you won't say anything, but if you are compelled to exorcize your anger or frustration please direct it to me not to my other assistants and directors-I have big shoulders.
We will get the process down in short order-this I promise-so come thursday or whenever you can and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I justed wanted to take this opportunity to thanks Bob and the other directors for their hard work and perseverance. I certainly appreciate the time and energy they have spent in an effort to increase other players enjoyment of bridge and I am sure there are plenty of BBO members who feel the same way.
Hopefully more participants will familiarize themselves with the rules. For our part, we will do whatever we can to help out Bob and his team of volunteers.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.