Are OBAR Bids and Doubles Alertable?
Posted 2025-February-26, 09:26
Is that your all's understanding?
(To be clear, I'm talking about situations like this (1♥)-P-(2♥)-?)
Posted 2025-February-26, 09:48
Posted 2025-February-26, 09:51
mw64ahw, on 2025-February-26, 09:48, said:
You're right - sorry. I misread the section on alerting doubles.
As an experienced OBAR bidder, what do you do if you have a strong hand? For example, after (1♦)-P-(2♦)-?, what if you have a good heart suit and an opening hand? Do you double then bid it?
Posted 2025-February-26, 10:21
jdiana, on 2025-February-26, 09:51, said:
As an experienced OBAR bidder, what do you do if you have a strong hand? For example, after (1♦)-P-(2♦)-?, what if you have a good heart suit and an opening hand? Do you double then bid it?
Putting it bluntly two different ways:
- Listen to the auction. While openings can be on 9 HCP, and simple raises can be on nice 4-counts, most of the time they are 11+ and 6-9 even in today's landscape. The opponents own close to half the deck, with a significant probability of them having way more. On your example auction the math is even less forgiving as this was likely an inverted minor raise. So if we have extras, the person most likely to have less is partner. So don't get too excited with a stronger hand, odds for game are slim.
- OBAR bids deliberately reserve more bidding space for competitive bids, i.e. 'bid your shape and points schmoints', sacrificing the ability to show strength with an overcall. Naturally this loses some on the stronger hands, and in exchange it gains on the weaker hands. The claim is that on balance this is profitable on an opponents-bid-and-raise start, by frequency. You can try to double and then bid with very strong hands, but I think it's not a great idea.
I experience a fear of struggling with strong hands on these auctions on bidding apps and practice environments, notably cuebids. They stack the deck to give us a strong hand, and modify the bots bidding. Be careful not to assign too much space to hands that don't come up.
Posted 2025-February-26, 10:31
One more question: Do you make any distinction between a higher ranked suit (able to overcall at the two level) and a lower ranked suit (having to overcall at the three level) or a double that forces us to the three level? Obviously, we need to be careful at unfavorable vulnerability but I'm wondering, in general, if we require a little extra to go up a level.
It seems like we will often be at the three level, which may be a little contrary to the LoTT if there are 16 trumps.
Sorry if I'm just thinking out loud - like a lot of things I read, they make prefect sense at the surface level but then I start wondering about some specifics. (OBAR bids are obviously nothing new. Just revisiting them in the context of my one-person book club.)
Posted 2025-February-26, 10:42
It gets scary when we might end up in a 7-card fit. Bidding 3-over-2 with 15 total trumps, or when landing in the wrong strain, can be costly. Therefore in general I don't require more points, but I do require more shape. On most hands I will prefer a takeout double or OBAR scrambling 2NT to a voluntary 3-level overcall, and sometimes pass is the least of evils.
I like thinking out loud like this, please don't apologise for it!
Posted 2025-February-26, 10:52
jdiana, on 2025-February-26, 09:51, said:
As an experienced OBAR bidder, what do you do if you have a strong hand? For example, after (1♦)-P-(2♦)-?, what if you have a good heart suit and an opening hand? Do you double then bid it?
It partly depends on how aggressive the opponents are and the system approach.
With aggressive opponents when 1♦-2♦ can be bid on very little I will:
- X with the very strong hand and rebid
- Bid 3M as an Intermediate Jump Overcall
- Bid 2N as some pre-empt
- Bid 2M otherwise.
Posted 2025-February-26, 22:46
And there aren't many of those out there. The number of times that you want to push them out of 2-of-a-fit versus the number of times you need to worry about missing a game after they show 2-of-a-fit is like the "penalty or negative double after 1NT" - the pluses are spectacular, but the middling losses when you can't compete add up *fast*.
To me (a *strong* proponent of OBAR BIDS) the biggest downside of the style is that good opponents, when pushed to the 3 level, use the information of who "balanced" to get the trumps right.
Posted 2025-February-27, 01:58
mycroft, on 2025-February-26, 22:46, said:
To me (a *strong* proponent of OBAR BIDS) the biggest downside of the style is that good opponents, when pushed to the 3 level, use the information of who "balanced" to get the trumps right.
Playing an unbalanced ♦ I will open 10s relatively frequently and at FV without a Major partner can raise to 2/3♦ on practically nothing. So in this case the opponents can have well over half the points.
I'm not seeing much downside being pushed to the 3-level after OBAR bids. 2 is easier to make than 3, and I'm not sure it necessarily implies where the trumps sit; I've had occasions where the ops. have a 9-card fit and compete to the 3-level when I'm sitting with 5431 and 4 in their suit. Perhaps it's the level of competition I play against, but I often seem to get the pluses on the part scores when the ops. are down 1 when 2 makes.
Posted 2025-February-27, 08:09
And obviously, "we don't let them play 2 of a fit" is a net plus. Clearly it's harder to make 3 than 2, and in practise it's very hard even at the top level, to work out the right thing to do on every (even most) hands when they do compete, so the opponents do get pushed a lot.
But the "balance in direct seat" style does tend to mean that the short trump hand balances more often than not (especially when they double) and that can lead to astute declarers making one more trick than they might have if they had less to guess on.
Posted 2025-February-27, 10:19
mycroft, on 2025-February-27, 08:09, said:
By bidding 2M you are likely pushing them to the 3-level if they want to compete.
mycroft, on 2025-February-27, 08:09, said:
Short trump hands may be more frequent, but I'm more likely to bid with trumps as partner will then have ruffing values albeit with a weak hand.
Posted 2025-February-27, 21:25
jdiana, on 2025-February-26, 09:26, said:
Is that your all's understanding?
I don't play OBAR bids, so I haven't asked any directors what they think. However, the alert procedures have a number of comments that can apply
I would say that the potential difference between an OBAR bid and a regular overcall is different enough that the meaning is unexpected, so an alert is required.
For me, I would alert OBAR bids. There is a section of bids that should not be alerted. OBAR type bids are not listed.
Weak sounding bids that are actually showing strength, and strong sounding bids that are actually showing weak strength seem like exactly the type of bids that need to be alerted. I did a quick search, and Larry Cohen says the bid should be alerted, but that was written before the current alert procedures.
Posted 2025-February-27, 21:50
I certainly expect the possibility of OBAR BIDS - it's common enough, maybe even a majority treatment, among good players - and ask if I think I might want to know. If I ended up in a pickup partnership with an advanced player and didn't discuss this, I would certainly consider the possibility that they might spring an OBAR bid on me without warning, and I might spring one on them and discuss later.
Posted 2025-February-28, 02:47
johnu, on 2025-February-27, 21:25, said:
This is what made me ask the question in the first place. It does seem like they should be alerted because they could be weaker than expected, and I had also seen that older comment from Larry Cohen. But the current rules don't require an alert. An overcall would be a natural bid and the rule is that we don't alert natural bids unless we are told to do so. None of the exceptions apply.
For doubles, the rule is the opposite - we DO alert them unless specifically told not to. The rules say not to alert
"After an Opening Bid and a Response (whether or not there was interference)
1. After a Natural or Quasi-Natural Opening suit Bid and a Natural or Quasi-Natural Response, a Takeout Double" (This is the one I originally read backwards, as if this were a list of doubles that we SHOULD alert.)
Having said that, if I were playing online, I would alert OBAR bids and doubles because there's no chance of giving my partner unauthorized information. If I were playing in a friendly club game, especially a limited game, I would also alert them in the spirit of full disclosure. I don't think I'd get in trouble for that. (Of course, we have to be consistent. If we're going to alert them at the club, then we have to do it every time.)
But in a tournament, I would strictly follow the rules and not alert them because I wouldn't want an opponent to accuse me of giving my partner UI by alerting a non-alertable call.
Posted 2025-February-28, 10:43
Now, the specific rules explain what is considered "unexpected" enough to meet the prologue's criteria. Your first quote is very carefully trimmed. The full paragraph (my emphasis):
Alert Procedure, prologue said:
Your second quote has been misunderstood, if you read it as "well, I read the document and despite what it says, I think this should be Alertable, so I'm 'not sure'". It is intended for agreements where you don't remember what the document says, or where the agreement might not apply in this auction, not as a "I know more than the committee, I'm going to do what I want" (and potentially confuse players who *do* know what the procedure says. That's okay, right?)
Your "weak bids that sound strong and strong bids that sound weak" is also a quote from the old Alert Procedure, which "admittedly used fuzzy terminology" (quote from memory) because they thought it was better than letting things slip through the cracks. You'll notice it's not there any more, and neither is "highly unusual and unexpected". Instead, "in the real world, we follow rules instead".
There are (many) places where I think the new rules allow angle shooters to play systems that will win on unexpectedness. If they do, in the club, they will Very Quickly become expected. On the tournament trail, if this style wins frequently, it will be emulated. If it continues to win when it becomes more common, it will - not be unexpected any more!
Like opening 3-level preempts on QTxxxx and out NV, or overcalls of strong 2♣ with ♠Txxxxx and a queen, or 1-level openers on 9-14 playing a strong 1♣, or many of the other things that the history of the forums show repeatedly are "unexpected" to playes who haven't seen them before. All things people learn to ask about, in time, or even expect.
And it turns out OBAR BIDS has been a style for 3+decades (at least, that's the first time I saw the acronym in the WBF "standard acronyms for the convention card" list), and hasn't gone away. It's common enough that players should know it's possible (one quote I had from a few years ago was "that's what we hate about playing against you. You don't let us just play our hands." Yeah. And good on you to recognize it. And maybe if you hate it, your opponents will, too.) and *ask* if it's important to them.
At least, that's what the C&CC that built the new Alert Procedures seems to think. They do have a case of "flight A-itis", but by and large, they've been a lot more correct than the last group.
Posted 2025-March-05, 00:58
akwoo, on 2025-February-27, 21:50, said:
I don't remember the last time that somebody made an OBAR bid against me, but then I don't play a lot of hands, and the circumstances where an OBAR bid is possible compared to when there is close to normal strength is even rarer.
So, I ran a poll on Bridgewinners using a hand from Larry Cohen where he introduces OBAR bids. I didn't get a big response from an ordinary poll question, but only around a quarter of the voters said they played OBAR.
Posted 2025-March-05, 02:43
johnu, on 2025-March-05, 00:58, said:
So, I ran a poll on Bridgewinners using a hand from Larry Cohen where he introduces OBAR bids. I didn't get a big response from an ordinary poll question, but only around a quarter of the voters said they played OBAR.
Interesting - thanks!
Here's a link to John's poll - https://bridgewinner...m-2-dmuyqrx8g1/
When doing my search, I also found another, similar, poll from 2022 - https://bridgewinner...m-2-bepgkm0788/
The results were quite different in the earlier poll. The hand was better in the earlier poll but both hands are IMO balancing-type hands. For me (and I think this is standard) a normal 2-level overcall is a fairly strong bid, roughly an opening hand with a 6-card or good 5-card suit.
Posted 2025-March-11, 16:09
Partner and I still haven't resolved what our agreement should actually be. I told her I'd think about it. ;-)
* Hamilton is alleged to have said "if it works, it's Hamilton. If it doesn't work, it's Cappelletti". :-)
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2025-March-11, 16:32
blackshoe, on 2025-March-11, 16:09, said:
Partner and I still haven't resolved what our agreement should actually be. I told her I'd think about it. ;-)
* Hamilton is alleged to have said "if it works, it's Hamilton. If it doesn't work, it's Cappelletti". :-)
It's a bad enough convention already without at least respecting the documented consensus that X is "penalty"

FWIW (and to confirm taliban status) I do think it is unethical to defer resolving the agreement and updating your partnership documentation.
Posted 2025-March-12, 00:51