BBO Server 2 Feedback Thread Help us test our new backup server
Posted 2024-July-08, 04:51
Played with 3 expert robots, all fine so far.
Posted 2024-July-08, 07:57
But then the next day I entered again, and it did allow me to play. NOt sure if that's supposed to happen. Of course, I was no better the second time LOLL

Posted 2024-July-08, 08:08
I did the following:
- Started a table and played a few hands with robots. Claiming, undos, redeals, table options, all seemed to work as expected.
- played a free tournament - claims, bidding, scores, robots all seemed to work as expected.
- played a paid instant tournament - all worked as expected
- played a free instant tournament - all worked as expected
- Couldn't play in a tournament as there were no other entries
- started a teaching table with all robots - teaching options worked as expected
Posted 2024-July-08, 08:28
The problems I see that are unrelated to the new server are: The system does not allow you to claim sometimes, only "concede", even when all you have is trumps left (and contract makes). Also, you say the test is until Sunday, July 13, but Sunday is July 14th. Also, I wish this would include improvement to the robot play, since that is very important to thousands of users. I don't believe anyone has looked at a "robot report" in the last ten years. So if you are not going to address the issues that people are sending you through the "robot report", then eliminate this option so we don't waste our time sending them.
Also, in club games, the robot is not supposed to play hands. However, the directors often forget to hit the "HP" button, and the robots are playing the hands. You should make "HP" the default for all games. As soon as I see this happening, I let the TD know, but it is too late. All you need is for the robot to play a 3NT hand (that makes 5), instead, going down 5 to ruin your entire 18-board game.
Posted 2024-July-08, 09:00
Participated in 4B tourney with BBO assistants and robots; agian no problems.
Tried a robot tourney, but it faileddue to insufficient entries.
Tested a partnership bidding tbl, loading hands from saved deals; perfect.
Posted 2024-July-08, 09:37
I played a free instant tournament.
When I was playing the tournament, I noticed that the right-hand side tabs didn't open when I clicked. But when I tried again, I could open those tabs.
Game results
Posted 2024-July-08, 10:30
I tried a robotchalleng, nothing seemed out of the ordinary
also tried a few bridgemaster deal and that worked out fine
Posted 2024-July-08, 13:30
Posted 2024-July-08, 16:04
microcap, on 2024-July-08, 07:57, said:
But then the next day I entered again, and it did allow me to play. NOt sure if that's supposed to happen. Of course, I was no better the second time LOLL

The weekly free instant is designed by Sisyphus; you can play it forever and never get it right.
Posted 2024-July-08, 19:30
I did start a teaching table and worked on generating a number of "Advanced" deals using a few scripts I had previously created to generate various deals. Everything seemed to work normally.
Playing Bridge Master also worked normally.
One problem noted: Trying to access my saved convention cards gets an "Error loading Convention Card" message.
Archive of Saved deals seemed to have my saved deals in place.
BBO Username: dond01
Posted 2024-July-08, 19:45
I created a robot challenge today (but did not play it) to see if it would carry over to tomorrow. To the best of my recollection, I had created 2 the other day and played only one of them. When I signed on today, the second one was not listed. Will let you know the results.
BTW - I would suggest that all the people testing make the other people testing 'friends' so that we know who is online. I have 'followed' some of the IDs but will add others. That way one of us can create a table/team match or whatever to test further.
Posted 2024-July-09, 03:10
diana_eva, on 2024-July-04, 18:45, said:
Tests will take place from Friday, July 5, until Sunday, July 13.
How to Access the Test Server
Use your usual BBO username and password to log in to the test server.
Click here to login to BBOServer2
What You'll See on the Test Server
- The test server contains games similar to those on the "real BBO."
- Prices might differ from those on the "real BBO."
- Reply to this thread with your BBO username, and we'll credit your account with BB$ to try any game.
- Some features, like the Prime section, are not included in this test.
Suggested Testing Hours
To ensure we have enough players online to start tournaments and matches, please try to log in and play during the following hours:
- Daily Testing Hours: 2:00 PM UTC to 4:00 PM UTC and 8:00 PM UTC to 10:00 PM UTC
This means:
3pm to 5pm Paris time (9am to 11am New York, 11pm to 1am Sydney)
9pm to 11pm Paris time (3pm to 5pm New York, 5am to 7am Sydney) - Weekend Testing Blitz: Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 AM UTC to 12:00 PM UTC and 6:00 PM UTC to 8:00 PM UTC
This means:
11am to 1pm Paris time (5am to 7am New York, 7pm to 9pm Sydney)
7pm to 9pm Paris time (1pm to 3pm New York, 3am to 5am Sydney)
We encourage you to join during these times to maximize the number of players and make it easier to play games together. While you're welcome to explore the server at any time, having more people online simultaneously will make the testing more effective and enjoyable.
Here's What to Test
- Start a table and play a few hands. Play a few hands with people, see if everything seems okay. Try to claim, undo, redeal. Use robots at your table and see if they start playing.
- Play a team match and check if everything looks fine.
- Play a free tournament. We'll post some free test tournaments during the testing hours.
- Play a paid tournament with people (ACBL, Express).
- Play a pair tournament and register with a robot. Is the robot playing?
- Play an instant tournament (free/paid).
- Play a robot tournament from Robot World (Robot Duplicate, Robot Rebate, Robot Reward).
- For TDs: Create a tournament and see if all works as expected.
- For teachers: Start a teaching table and do what you normally do -- see if it works as expected.
- Other activities you like to do on BBO that we didn't think about.
Daylongs and challenges are less dependent on the BBOserver, but it would help if you try one or two. Just don't over-focus on them.
What We Need You to Do
For each suggested task you pick from the list above, follow these simple steps:
- Perform the task briefly: For example, if you're checking whether starting a table with friends works, just play 2-3 hands. We want to see if everything works as expected: if the table starts successfully, if the cards load, if inviting friends works, and if you can use options like undo, claim, redeal, and alert during play. Or, another example: When you register with a robot in a pair game, we simply want to confirm that the robot is seated as your partner and playing. After this, you can quit the game if you wish and move on to another scenario.
- Let us know how it went by posting in this thread, and you can move on to another task if you wish.
How to Give Feedback
When posting your feedback, please include the following information:
- Username: The BBO username you used during the test.
- What You Tried: Specify what you tested (e.g., table with people, table with robots, undo, redeal, claim, etc.).
- Game Results Link: If available, provide a link to the game results (for example for teams, tournaments, challenges).
Even if nothing went wrong, it's important to let us know. For example, simply stating "I tried X, nothing seemed out of the ordinary" is very helpful to us.
If There Were Issues
- Take a Screenshot: Capture the issue on your screen. We suggest using Imgur which is a free resource and doesn't ask you to create an account. Capture the screenshot and simply paste it at Get the link to your image, and share it in your feedback post.
- Describe the Problem: Provide a detailed description of the problem.
- Mention Involved Usernames: Include the usernames involved, so we can investigate further on our side.
Important Notes
- The BB$ balance on the test server is not your real balance. Spending money on the test server won't charge your real account.
- Points or prizes won on the test server are not real and won't be reported to the ACBL or counted in your award rankings (sorry!).
- Scores in games you play won't be reported in your stats and hand records. Feel free to abandon games and hop around without affecting your real account.
Compensation for Your Effort
As a token of our appreciation, we will credit your real BBO account with BB$ for your participation in the test. Please post your BBO username and details of your testing activities in this thread to receive your compensation.
Lorand (lorserker) and myself (diana_eva) will be monitoring this thread closely and helping organize the tests.
Thank you for helping!
i play instant tournament (weekly free), https://bibmobiledev...=web&v3v=6.26.1
Challenge with star https://bibmobiledev...=web&v3v=6.26.1
that all look ok
Posted 2024-July-09, 03:19
roit, on 2024-July-09, 03:10, said:
Challenge with star https://bibmobiledev...=web&v3v=6.26.1
that all look ok
I try play Free Express TCR 90 and Free Robot Race but Error (NB: i am just alone at tournaey

Posted 2024-July-09, 04:07
Posted 2024-July-09, 10:21
I created a robot challenge yesterday (but did not play it) to see if it would carry over to today. When I signed on this morning and entered the Lobby, the Challenge was not highlighted in yellow. I went to the Challenge section. The robot challenge was listed as unplayed. I then went back to the lobby, and the Challenge was now highlighted in yellow.
Not sure if this is normal. I will try it with the other challenge options.
Posted 2024-July-09, 10:42

Posted 2024-July-09, 10:57
Posted 2024-July-09, 12:36
When I tried to get a specific vugraph (requesting Wolpert, then spingold), nothing loaded.
When I tried randomly selected vugraph, it worked just fine.