nige1, on 2021-May-11, 16:05, said:
A variation on Nullve's simulation, illustrating that
- 4♠ is a good contract when East has a fit, and
- South is quite likely to make 4♥X.
For more reliable numbers, bump the produce count.
predeal west SKT62, DAKJ9642, CQT
spades (east) > 3 and (hearts(south) > 7
or (hearts (south) == 7 and (clubs (south) > 3 or diamonds (south) > 3)))
produce 100
frequency "D tricks by W" (tricks (west, diamonds), 11, 11),
frequency "S tricks by E" (tricks (east, spades), 10, 10),
frequency "H tricks by S" (tricks (south, hearts), 10, 10)
Frequency D tricks by W:
Low 48
11 36
High 16
Frequency S tricks by E:
Low 25
10 22
High 53
Frequency H tricks by S:
Low 38
10 30
High 32
Generated 7941 hands
Produced 100 hands
Initial random seed 1620769811
Time needed 33.437 sec
I have no idea why anyone would feel the need to run a simulation to determine whether 4S would be a good spot, most of the time, if east has 4 or more. I would have thought it self evident, although it is equally self-evident that xxxx is unlikely to make for a good spades or diamonds, although xxxx xx Qx AJ9xx makes a diamond contract pretty good...and I don't need a simulation to prove that, lol.
Run a proper simulation, giving opener 7+ hearts...if 7 then not 7222 and always, if 7, very good least AKJ10xxx and likely, then, either some 7330 or some 74 hand...even then there would be hands some would say fit and some would say don't. Make it too good, and one may have a 1H opener. Make it too weak and one might have a 3H opener.
Then look at each hand...what would LHO do, over double (directly or after passing and having advancer bid)? What will advancer do?
Nobody can be objective, btw, doing this, if they know our hand.
So simulations, which have very powerful uses in some scenarios, are essentially worthless here, if the desire is to prove what action is best. I doubt that I'd agree with nullve or nige's selection of hands and actions for the other players...not that my views would be entitled to any deference, but simply because these judgement calls are never unanimous. Heck, in discussions with two of my long time partners, both multiple national champions, and we play similar methods in the 2 partnerships, we don't agree on all choices even on simpler hands than this.
At the end of the day, one relies on one's own experiences and biases. Mine tell me that x is too high a risk, not because of a fear of spades (though on a bad day spades is going for a number and is the only contract LHO can double) but because, added to the risk of a poor spade contract, and far more importantly, partner won't expect so little defence for double and will pass far too often...or drive too high in a black suit.
As I said before: if all I knew was that partner held 4+ spades, I'd bid x in a heartbeat. Lacking that information, I bid 5D
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
I rank:
1. Double = keep ♠ in the picture,
2. 5♦ = a poor second choice.