crapdown4, on 2020-August-31, 15:52, said:
Because there is definitely a danger of preemptive action by fourth hand--he's short in spades, after all, and if pard has a minimum he might have considerable strength--I vote for the least lie--4S.
First, stop worrying about what the opponents are going to do. The first one didn't overcall; the second one will need to bid over a 2NT call; you have the master suit, and you are going to bid to 4S no matter what they do.
Second, a temporzing bid is silly with this hand. It will give partner an absolutely wrong idea of what you have.
Finally, the trouble with 4S comes when partner has a good hand. What if he has:
Kxxxx A Axx AJxx
You will play an easy grand in 4S.
There isn't a lot of risk in bidding 2NT. You will then show a minimum at every opportunity. Your partner isn't going to go hog-wild unless he has a rock-crusher.
This ties in with Jeff Meckstroth's advice to me some 35 years ago: at your first turn, when faced with having to overbid slightly or underbid slightly, always choose the overbid. It's easy enough to slow things down later on. It's NOT easy to speed them up. (Of course, it helps when you can play them like Jeff does
