Playing 2/1, 1NT 15-17, without Negative Free Bids (a recent discussion comes to mind).
Your partner's 1♣ opening is semi-natural (could be 2-cards in 4=4=3=2), probably balanced 12-14 or 18-19.
RHO interferes 2♥, alerted and explained as natural 9-12 HCP (fashionable these days).
Your call now as West? Please answer in the poll and comment here mentioning any related agreements.
North is itching to raise hearts after your call, and they won't stop before game. How do you see things proceeding?
I rank
1. 3♠ = FIT. F1. 5+ ♠s and 4+ ♣s.
2. 2♠ = NAT. F1. 5+ ♠s
3. 4♠ = NAT, Although you might agree this to be a FIT, too.
4. 3♥ = CUE. ♣ fit, usually 5+, so inappropriate.
5. Pass/Double = Masochistic.