Posted 2019-June-18, 23:39
Thanks all for your comments.
On deal 1, I lead the HJ like many of you. Just to catch dummy with a low D singleton and KQ9x H. I thought H would be a safe lead, giving away nothing, while D (I hesitated a lot on that one) could be ok but could also help declarer a lot, with such a broken suit... We lost a tempo (p had KJxxx D) and declarer could set up her Cs while we could only do our CA and some spades for -120. At the other table, teammates quickly ended up -100 on the D lead.
On deal 2, I lead SQ (for attitude) rather than H. Five small with unclear entries made me think that S could be settled more easily. Actually, the HT would have been much harder for declarer (Jx in dummy, AQx in partner, Kxx declarer, and xxxx S in partner). Fortunately, teammates made 9 tricks vs. 10 at our table.
We both thought it was close décisions in any case. But just wanted to check here.
First hand
WE League. IMPS.
Your lead