A silly looking Grand Slam Plan your play.
Posted 2019-May-14, 08:08
Posted 2019-May-14, 08:43
You only gave 11 cards for dummy, I gave dummy a couple extra clubs. Post your own diagram if incorrect.
BTW I find it a bit weird that you always post messages with "Sir" or "Sirs". Seems unnecessarily formal for this board. And exclusionary to female posters/readers.
Posted 2019-May-14, 09:52
Posted 2019-May-14, 10:34
alok c, on 2019-May-14, 09:52, said:
Difficult to ruff a club in the grand. 4H needs no clues - it's just a psyche, with some spade support, or that's how it looks.
Looks like W is 6-5-0-2, which... seems fine. Ruff the KS lead in dummy, cross in trumps, ruff a spade high, play five more rounds of trumps. Discard clubs from dummy on the first two discards, then on the last round W has to discard in front of dummy to either bare the KC or allow you to take 4 heart tricks.
W could of course be 6-4-0-3, in which case the exact same line works. But in that case E started with QJxxx xx xx jxxx, and has competed at the 6-level on that garbage. 5-5 seems more likely.
Or it could be something else and I'm completely wrong, which is very possible.
EDIT: or 5-4-0-4, which I didn't consider because I thought they'd start with a takeout double, and because E would again be bidding 6S with a semi-balanced hand. The line still works.
Posted 2019-May-14, 11:53
Also, this isn't that tough a hand, at least not for an expert. One needs to dispose of a club loser from hand, and one also needs to assume that one doesn't have a heart loser.
Since LHO bid 5H, and we are missing 11 spades at the point that he did this, it seems clear that RHO was operating (unwisely, I might add. A basic tenet of interference against strong-sounding auctions is to bid as high as one can afford, and not to make 'cute' non-space-consuming calls).
Now, bidding hearts, as East, on a void, with long spades, is an exception to that, but even so I would tend to jump in hearts, to take away space. As it is, clearly RHO is not void in hearts. Equally clearly he has a lot of spades.
We ruff the spade, come to our hand in trump, noting the break. We can place LHO with 6=4 as he did not michaels. Note that this is not a strong inference and I would make it only as a provisional view, subject to change. He might, for example, prefer to bid 1S with KQJxxx Qxxxx void Kx.
In any event, he has at least 4 hearts to bid 5H, and that means that he is odds on to hold the heart Queen. It also means that he cannot hold a heart guard and protect the club K.
Basically the hand plays itself. We need the heart finesse...playing rho for Qx is inconsistent with the inferences one should draw (nobody, even the 'cute' East, is likely to bid hearts on Qx, possibly attracting a heart lead from partner).
We need 4 heart tricks, and no west is bidding 5H on Qxx (plus we don't care...our line wins on that anyway).
So ruff spade, cross in trump, ruff spade, and after ruffing the second spade, trump to hand, heart A (catering to stiff Q, which is implausible but not impossible), heart to the J, then club to the Ace, then finish the trump.
While the line is made obvious by the bidding, it is the only realistic line in grand anyway: this works anytime LHO has Qxx(x)(x) in hearts and the club K.
Posted 2019-May-14, 13:48
alok c, on 2019-May-14, 09:52, said:
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - S. Holmes
Posted 2019-May-15, 21:20
alok c, on 2019-May-14, 09:52, said:
JUST HOW ARE YOU GOING TO RUFF THE CLUBS IN HAND ?To do that you have to discard the club 7 from hand first. and there is nothing in dummy on what to do so.If at all you could discard it then there are top 13 tricks and I would not have posted this problem.
Posted 2019-May-15, 22:11
'Thanks to all in advance.
Posted 2019-May-15, 22:28
Stephen Tu, on 2019-May-14, 08:43, said:
You only gave 11 cards for dummy, I gave dummy a couple extra clubs. Post your own diagram if incorrect.
BTW I find it a bit weird that you always post messages with "Sir" or "Sirs". Seems unnecessarily formal for this board. And exclusionary to female posters/readers.
THANKS A LOT for correcting and creating the hand diagram.Thanks also for suggesting not to address all posters/resders as Sir/Sirs.
Posted 2019-May-15, 22:57
johnu, on 2019-May-14, 16:23, said:
Posted 2019-May-15, 23:08
msjennifer, well done on finding a good line. But, how did you come to the conclusion that "[West] did not have a opening hand with both the majors" (and hence that East had the CK)? Something about the way they played their Michaels?
Posted 2019-May-15, 23:34
ahydra, on 2019-May-15, 23:08, said:
msjennifer, well done on finding a good line. But, how did you come to the conclusion that "[West] did not have a opening hand with both the majors" (and hence that East had the CK)? Something about the way they played their Michaels?
Sir with that or some other major suited hand he would use Michaels (a bid of 2D) or make a natural TOD.(with AKxxxx -Qxxx-Kxx).I was also informed that W showed specifically 4 card support.The opponents, although not experts, were known to be using all the bids and conventions in todays bridge.(whether they applied those wisdomly or not remains to be confirmed) As I said "why did he entice me into bidding 7D by bidding a premature 6S unless he visualised SOME defence to defeat 7D." As to why he bid 4H with a doubleton is make it APPEAR that he was holding a void and hoping it would prevent us from bidding a slam.They do underrate us ladies, in all sports, do not they.?
Posted 2019-May-16, 01:19
Stephen Tu, on 2019-May-14, 08:43, said:
You only gave 11 cards for dummy, I gave dummy a couple extra clubs. Post your own diagram if incorrect.
BTW I find it a bit weird that you always post messages with "Sir" or "Sirs". Seems unnecessarily formal for this board. And exclusionary to female posters/readers.
Sir,thanks a lot.I am now able to construct a hand diagram using the instructions which you gave so kindly.
Posted 2019-May-16, 02:07
msjennifer, on 2019-May-15, 23:34, said:
I don't think some of your inferences were totally solid.
1.Why does West have to have AK of spades, rather than say KQ of spades?
2.You assume that he would takeout dbl with 5404 or 6403 shape. This IMO is incorrect without a HUGE hand from West, at least with modern advanced/expert player thinking. Maybe takeout dbl is common among older or lesser players. But the modern trend is definitely to *overcall* holding 5 cd majors at the 1 level, not takeout dbl, unless very strong (maybe 18+ HCP). The reasoning is:
- If you don't overcall, you basically bury all 5-3 major fits forever. Because you aren't really strong enough to dbl then unilaterally bid your suit later in the auction which shows a big hand. Partner can raise your overcall on not much, but they won't ever introduce a 3 cd suit in your long major in response to dbl, and if you can't either ...
- The other major can often be recovered in subsequent bidding, by either the overcaller trying a takeout dbl later, or responder making a responsive double.
3. Maybe he isn't thinking that he is going to drive you into 7D. He maybe thinks it's most probable you'll take the money by doubling and not bidding a speculative grand. I doubt he thought 7d was in the picture, after all IMO you were rather lucky to find the cards in the position such you could make it, and in the long run you probably do better to double. Maybe he just sac'd because he has 6 cd spades to the ace and you seem confident and he thinks he can get out for -800.
Posted 2019-May-16, 05:14
msjennifer, on 2019-May-15, 22:11, said:
'Thanks to all in advance.
That really is good stuff! You can tell that I was a bit perturbed by E's bidding; the KC being in E does explain things, even if there are shaky inferences (I don't believe that I would start with a takeout double on AKxxxx qxxx - Kxx, so I don't think W has denied an opening hand, but the KC being in E makes their bidding make more sense). Lovely line, thanks for the hand!
Posted 2019-May-16, 06:17
I also find it amusing to read that 5H promises exactly 4 trumps. Is LHO forced to bid 6 with 5-card support regardless of the rest of his hand? Is he not allowed to raise a voluntary 4H bid with 3-card support and a void?
Posted 2019-May-16, 10:18
Stephen Tu, on 2019-May-16, 02:07, said:
1.Why does West have to have AK of spades, rather than say KQ of spades?
2.You assume that he would takeout dbl with 5404 or 6403 shape. This IMO is incorrect without a HUGE hand from West, at least with modern advanced/expert player thinking. Maybe takeout dbl is common among older or lesser players. But the modern trend is definitely to *overcall* holding 5 cd majors at the 1 level, not takeout dbl, unless very strong (maybe 18+ HCP). The reasoning is:
- If you don't overcall, you basically bury all 5-3 major fits forever. Because you aren't really strong enough to dbl then unilaterally bid your suit later in the auction which shows a big hand. Partner can raise your overcall on not much, but they won't ever introduce a 3 cd suit in your long major in response to dbl, and if you can't either ...
- The other major can often be recovered in subsequent bidding, by either the overcaller trying a takeout dbl later, or responder making a responsive double.
3. Maybe he isn't thinking that he is going to drive you into 7D. He maybe thinks it's most probable you'll take the money by doubling and not bidding a speculative grand. I doubt he thought 7d was in the picture, after all IMO you were rather lucky to find the cards in the position such you could make it, and in the long run you probably do better to double. Maybe he just sac'd because he has 6 cd spades to the ace and you seem confident and he thinks he can get out for -800.
Sir I specifically said AK as the pair plays reverse opening leads and would have led the Q from KQ.As regards bidding major suited hands I concur with you fully.I shall certainly pass the information to that pair also,(I shall have a proof to show them).Thanks .
MsJennifer asks ' Can this be labelled "CONTROL TRANSFER VIENNA COUP?'
Thank you, MsJennifer for the interesting deal.
Yes, it's a control-transfer although the more common term is "menace transfer".
If the ♣9 and ♣7 were swapped you might call it a Vienna Coup -- especially were you trying to squeeze RHO rather than LHO.
Congratulations on your table-feel that enabled you to negotiate this complex position.
Your line is hard to find because it requires declarer to place all 3 ♣ honours correctly.
Whereas the simple-squeeze requires LHO to hold only ♣K in addition to the ♥s.