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Careless talk...
Posted 2019-April-29, 05:18
I see no real benefit to cashing the club Q right now. My guesstimate on the hand places rho with heart A (maybe K) (If lho has the heart ace and did not try to cash it I would hold my hand closer to my chest) and lho with a pretty fair number of clubs due to rho lackluster club 6 as a negative signal. I am guessing lho is similar to 4315. I would hook the diamond.
Posted 2019-April-30, 10:29
My bidding is inconsistent. I think I should rebid 3♦.
Against 4♠, LHO leads ♣A, 4, 6, 3 (UDCA).
and continues ♣T, 7, 5. K
I don't know what's the best single-dummy line.
I cashed ♠A, 3, 2, RHO discarding ♣8.
Then crossed to dummy ♦4, 7, A, 2.
Like Gszes, I saw no advantage in playing ♣Q.
I led a ♦ to ♦K -- which succeeds unless ♦s are 5-1.
The full deal is on the left. LHO ruffed the 2nd round of ♦, and exited with ♠Q, defeating me by one trick.
One declarer played in 4♠X-1 which saved me from a bottom.
All others were successful. Presumably, they took the same inspired view as Gszes -- finessing ♦ -- perhaps helped by other opponents' bids or doubles.
Careless talk costs lives
Against 4♠, LHO leads ♣A, 4, 6, 3 (UDCA).
and continues ♣T, 7, 5. K
I don't know what's the best single-dummy line.
I cashed ♠A, 3, 2, RHO discarding ♣8.
Then crossed to dummy ♦4, 7, A, 2.
Like Gszes, I saw no advantage in playing ♣Q.
I led a ♦ to ♦K -- which succeeds unless ♦s are 5-1.
The full deal is on the left. LHO ruffed the 2nd round of ♦, and exited with ♠Q, defeating me by one trick.
One declarer played in 4♠X-1 which saved me from a bottom.
All others were successful. Presumably, they took the same inspired view as Gszes -- finessing ♦ -- perhaps helped by other opponents' bids or doubles.
Careless talk costs lives
Posted 2019-April-30, 10:58
Against 4♠, LHO leads ♣A, 4, 6, 3 (UDCA).
and continues ♣T, 7, 5. K
For completeness: Gib reveals...
At trick 3, rather than cashing a round of trumps, you can succeed with ♦A, ♣Q and then ♦K.
Instead, suppose that you play ♦AK without touching trumps.
LHO ruffs and must lead a ♥ to defeat the contract.
(Then he can discard a ♣ on your next ♦ lead).
Posted 2019-April-30, 11:26
I had formulated a plan before reading the results, and my initial assessment was to play it as a crossruff. If you are planning to do that, you want to cash all your winners before embarking on that tack. That means cashing the ♣Q.
Posted 2019-April-30, 12:16
HardVector, on 2019-April-30, 11:26, said:
I had formulated a plan before reading the results, and my initial assessment was to play it as a crossruff. If you are planning to do that, you want to cash all your winners before embarking on that tack. That means cashing the ♣Q.
I had the same thought: try for a cross-ruff, but the problem with 'cashing' the club is that LHO may well be 4=5=2=2 and now he pitches his diamond. Now he ruffs the second diamond and exits a spade honour and we are down.
So if I were going to try to cash a club, I would cash the top diamonds first. Of course, that also leads to a set as it happens. Having seen the result before analyzing the play in detail (for which I have my own mea culpa) I can no longer pretend to be able to analyze objectively as to what I would have done at the table. But, I would definitely not have played a 3rd club before the top diamonds.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2019-May-07, 13:53
nige1, on 2019-April-30, 10:58, said:
Against 4♠, LHO leads ♣A, 4, 6, 3 (UDCA).
and continues ♣T, 7, 5. K
HardVector, on 2019-April-30, 11:26, said:
I had formulated a plan before reading the results, and my initial assessment was to play it as a cross-ruff. If you are planning to do that, you want to cash all your winners before embarking on that tack. That means cashing the ♣Q.
mikeh, on 2019-April-30, 12:16, said:
I had the same thought: try for a cross-ruff, but the problem with 'cashing' the club is that LHO may well be 4=5=2=2 and now he pitches his diamond. Now he ruffs the second diamond and exits a spade honour and we are down. So if I were going to try to cash a club, I would cash the top diamonds first. Of course, that also leads to a set as it happens. Having seen the result before analyzing the play in detail (for which I have my own mea culpa) I can no longer pretend to be able to analyze objectively as to what I would have done at the table. But, I would definitely not have played a 3rd club before the top diamonds.
If you adopt Hardvector's line and play for a cross-ruff without touching trumps, then you can succeed even if LHO is 5422 and discards a ♦ on dummy's ♣Q.
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The bidding, play, and defence are interesting.
What do you think of the bidding?
Against your 4♠,
LHO leads ♣A, 4, 6, 3 (UDCA).
and continues ♣T, 7, 5, K
I don't know what's the best single-dummy line
Suppose that you cash ♠A, 3, 2, RHO discarding ♣8.
You cross to dummy ♦4, 7, A, 2.
Do you play ♣Q?
Do you finesse ♦s?