Quick Poll 1D-1S-3D-4D
Posted 2018-October-13, 14:22
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2018-October-13, 14:52
Posted 2018-October-13, 15:07

Posted 2018-October-13, 17:35
It may not be optimum, but it avoids confusion.
Posted 2018-October-13, 23:20
Posted 2018-October-13, 23:31
Posted 2018-October-14, 02:33
I prefer forcing, showing SI, starting a Cue Seq., I would expect Minorwood meaning, unconditional.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2018-October-14, 11:12
Any bid which jumps past 3 NT voluntarily in a minor oriented hand where it still could be a consideration should be forcing unless a game bid.
Posted 2018-October-14, 12:24
rmnka447, on 2018-October-14, 11:12, said:
Any bid which jumps past 3 NT voluntarily in a minor oriented hand where it still could be a consideration should be forcing unless a game bid.
So how do you bid with: (in each case hands where you suspect 5♦ might be too much)
a 3N bid with a club stop but no heart stop
a 3N bid with a heart stop but no club stop
a 3N bid with both suits stopped
or do you just bid 3N with all of them ? does 3♥ show a suit/stop ?
Posted 2018-October-14, 14:24
Cyberyeti, on 2018-October-14, 12:24, said:
a 3N bid with a club stop but no heart stop
a 3N bid with a heart stop but no club stop
a 3N bid with both suits stopped
or do you just bid 3N with all of them ? does 3♥ show a suit/stop ?
For me:
3NT and hope for the best
Posted 2018-October-14, 15:58
Cyberyeti, on 2018-October-14, 12:24, said:
a 3N bid with a club stop but no heart stop
a 3N bid with a heart stop but no club stop
a 3N bid with both suits stopped
or do you just bid 3N with all of them ? does 3♥ show a suit/stop ?
That is the famous Diamonds Issue. Clubs leave more space to bid stoppers while probing for 3NT.
The solution (that can lead to some difficult auctions when a more natural style would fare better) is to play a 2-way 3M:
- 3H being either natural 5+S 4+H or I stop H but not C
- same for 3S (a strong 5-cd or 6+ suit, or I stop C but not H)
Over 3H, opener bids 3S with a fit, and 3NT with C stopper but no fit. If he has none, then he just rebids his Ds I guess... Over 3S, responder bids 4S or a control if his S were real, or 3NT if he was just looking for a C stopper, and opener can sit or move out depending on his C holding, eg he can propose a Moysian 4S or re insist on his Ds.
Similar mechanisms can be agreed in situations like 1M-2D-3D or after a 1NT opening, M transfer and secondary D suit shown by responder.
Posted 2018-October-14, 17:20
So 4♦ is SI. In all partnerships in which I have discussed this, 4m is never an invite. If you have a diamond fit and a marginal hand, it is go/nogo. Opener's hand is tightly limited so we don't need 4♦ as a blame transfer.
Posted 2018-October-14, 17:52
Cyberyeti, on 2018-October-14, 12:24, said:
a 3N bid with a club stop but no heart stop
a 3N bid with a heart stop but no club stop
a 3N bid with both suits stopped
or do you just bid 3N with all of them ? does 3♥ show a suit/stop ?
As Bergen once said... stopppers are for bottles.
So many ways for 3N to win...
Either we have a stopper,
Or we don't have a stopper and they don't lead it,
Or we don't have a stopper and it splits 4-4,
Or we don't have a stopper and it goes -1 but 5m is down at least 1 also (not uncommon when you have 2 losers in one suit),
Posted 2018-October-16, 12:23
Posted 2018-October-16, 12:45
helene_t, on 2018-October-14, 17:20, said:
So 4♦ is SI. In all partnerships in which I have discussed this, 4m is never an invite. If you have a diamond fit and a marginal hand, it is go/nogo. Opener's hand is tightly limited so we don't need 4♦ as a blame transfer.
But for most people 3♦ is not tightly limited at all, it's anywhere between a 15 count (maybe less) and a 2♣ opener.
Posted 2018-October-16, 15:03
johnu, on 2018-October-16, 14:16, said:
This is style dependent, many people don't like a fake jump shift or reverse into a major or a doubleton club and that can be the choice.
We NEVER fake these, but we play an artificial 2N GF rebid to deal with the big ones.
Posted 2018-October-17, 05:48
People answer with Minorwood if it has been agreed upon.
Of course you agree in advance what bids mean.
If you have not agreed to Minorwood it is not Minorwood and if you did it is. No need for a poll.
I think the poll is about what it should mean in an established partnership.
I vote for Minorwood and with an unsuitable hand I will start with an ambiguous new suit as an advanced cuebid, which will be clarified later.
If I have a game invite I can choose bidding game or I pass.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2018-October-17, 07:02
Cyberyeti, on 2018-October-14, 12:24, said:
a 3N bid with a club stop but no heart stop
a 3N bid with a heart stop but no club stop
a 3N bid with both suits stopped
or do you just bid 3N with all of them ? does 3♥ show a suit/stop ?
Cyberyeti pinpoints the problem. What do calls mean after 1♦ - 1♠ - 3♦ - ??.
- Pass = NAT
- 3♥ = ART (ASK for ♥ stop or NAT 2-suiter (Ms) or Advance CUE for ♦)
- 3♠ = NAT N/F.
- 3N = ♥ stop. Might also have ♣ stop.
- 4♣ = CUE for ♦.
- 4♦ = NAT F1 invites ♠ preference. (Should this deny a high-card control in a round-suit?)
Theoretically, it might be better to swap some of the meanings of 3♥ and 3N, But in practice, most players with a ♥ stop would bid a thoughtless 3N.