Butler IMPs
The above auction was almost universal in this hand from the North London teams last night, although a couple of timid Souths chose 4♦ at their first turn, which ended the auction and scored +130. At all but two tables the lead against 3NT was the queen of spades, and declarer cashed his nine tricks and played a club, eventually scoring +660. When the rabbit was East, he led his partner's suit and the TD was called. None of the options for South, SB, were of any use of course, as RR's guardian angel had decreed. Declarer did his best by preventing a spade lead, but there were only eight tricks. SB wanted a Law 72C adjustment of course.
At the other table where the chimp was East, it is alleged, but unproven, that he noticed his tell-tale two of spades and also led it out of turn, at the speed of light. MM, South had hummed and harred before bidding 3NT, and the Chimp suspected a singleton king of spades. According to SB, asked his opinion by OO, but vehemently denied by ChCh, he knew that he if he led the deuce, his partner would know that he had only one spade, as the pair led high from a doubleton and middle from three, and would not now be tempted into a pointless underlead of the ace of spades, which might give declarer his ninth trick, not to mention overtricks. Again none of the LOOT options presented to South, MM, were any more use than a chocolate teapot, and the contract was again one off.
How do you rule at both tables? Do you decide that RR could not have been aware but ChCh could have been?