briannz556, on 2018-September-19, 13:19, said:
My Partner and I are playing 2/1 Marty Bergen style bidding [ as best we can ] and we managed to get to 6D with various Control Bids. Can I seek expert opinion on a sensible approach to bidding a slam in either H or D. To get the ball rolling, I opened 1D and partner responded 1H. Jumping to 3C seemed to me to be the best way to force P to bid and at the same time describe my hand. Any help would be appreciated.
#1 The first decision is 2C or 3C, if you add a jack to the West Hand, nobody would Question the 3C bid,
without the Jack it is close
If you bid 2C, Partner will usually give Preference to 2D, and after that you are well positioned.
If he passes, he will have more Clubs than diamonds, usually at least two more, he will have at most
5 hearts, chances are, that you dont have game.
In short: I am slightly in favor of 2C, but it comes down to where you draw the line, and how you define the
line. For me 17HCP are no jump / no game force, with 18HCP I jump / I force to game.
Is this perfect? No. Will they call me a bean counter? Sure. Do I care? No, it Safes Energy.
There are conventions, that help with openers Hand (showing 6+ and 3 Cards in Partners Major), but those
conventions require some changes, e.g. we Play weak NT combined with a wide range NT rebid.
#2 After 3C, you Need to discuss, how many hearts 3H is showing, and the meaning of 3S, we would Play it as FSF,
but this is of not much use in the given seq., since there is no room left between 3S and 3NT.
#3 Over 3C, I would bid 4D, Setting Diamonds as trumps, and forgetting hearts, since after 3H, say 5+, and
if Partner cannot raise to 4H it becomes messy.
PS: The MP Argument for settling in 4H after a jump shift auction is quite valid. It looses some weight, if you
strengthen your jump shifts, since responder will be vary to stop in 4H, but than openers Hand may not be worth a
jump shift.
briannz556's 3♣ rebid seems pushy but reasonable
IMO, opener's jump shift is F/G in Marty Bergen's 2/1.
On the left is a possible continuation