aurora, on 2018-October-05, 05:13, said:
Sometimes is hard to be TD or to make an expert player to accept that also he can make mistakes. Because of this i would like to know your opinion about each bid and about what bid must be alerted in this hand. Thank you.
I think the only bid here that might necessitate an alert is the response of 2
♣ rather than a more natural 2
♦. If this choice is imposed by your system then the bid should be alerted to advise about any artificial meaning and/or the fact that it does not deny 5-cards in a higher suit.
I see nothing wrong with the initial passes or the opening. Whether or not East's 2
♣ is excessively invitational given the spades misfit depends on agreements, I certainly wouldn't risk it when playing 2/1 with an unknown partner. And if the system prescribes 2
♦ he had no good reason to deviate. The rest is stuff that happens between two aggressive players playing natural systems.