Your Lead vs 1N
Posted 2018-April-15, 21:14
On a good day hearts might work.
A diamond might work, but more likely is a typical Gib horrible lead.
Posted 2018-April-15, 21:47
Ugh. Am I allowed to fake a heart attack?
Failing that, I guess I'd lead a club as it's the least of evils. (So I guess that would be a club attack.)
Posted 2018-April-15, 22:04
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2018-April-16, 03:56
Phil, on 2018-April-15, 22:04, said:
Dummy's second suit is often a good choice, but fortunately you are allowed to look at your hand as well as the auction

I probably lead a club (particularly at match points), but only as a "least bad" response.
Posted 2018-April-16, 04:57
Spade queen could work, but given that my partners overcall 1S aggressively at NV partner probably doesn’t have five of them (or a very strong four).
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2018-April-16, 05:54
I would go with a club, I would need a better heart suit, lets add the jack, instead of the 4,
than heart is clear cut.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2018-April-16, 12:28
Club from Kxx is likely to help declarer with the unbid suit.
Posted 2018-April-16, 18:31
cooked up 6,000 hands
Posted 2018-April-17, 05:54
Posted 2018-April-17, 07:48
tritonium, on 2018-April-16, 23:48, said:
This might be influenced by your opponents' methods. Would they bid Pass, 1♦; 1♥, 1NT with a balanced hand containing four spades? In which case the auction Pass, 1♦; 1♥, 1♠ will presumably suggest a five-card suit and leading a diamond is less attractive.
On the other hand, if Pass, 1♦; 1♥, 1♠ is likely to be a weak NT type hand with 4-4 in spades and diamonds then a diamond lead becomes a better proposition.
But ♦J97 is a pretty unattractive holding to lead away from.
pigpenz, on 2018-April-16, 18:31, said:
cooked up 6,000 hands
What assumptions did you make? In particular did you assume a five-card or four-card diamond suit in dummy?
Posted 2018-April-17, 18:28
Tramticket, on 2018-April-17, 07:48, said:
On the other hand, if Pass, 1♦; 1♥, 1♠ is likely to be a weak NT type hand with 4-4 in spades and diamonds then a diamond lead becomes a better proposition.
But ♦J97 is a pretty unattractive holding to lead away from.
What assumptions did you make? In particular did you assume a five-card or four-card diamond suit in dummy?
I set up constraints for what I thought were indicated by the auction, which I cant remember for sure what they were
but send me your constraints for what you think dummy and declarer should be and I would be glad to run it for you.
in 0-13 per suit & hcp range for each hand
Posted 2018-April-18, 04:56
The reason is that partner would overcall 1♠ with five and a decent hand. So that marks partner with four spades and declarer three. Since declarer has a pretty bad hand (since partner has a good hand) he could have passed 1♠ with three and didn’t. With any doubleton he’d be likely to pass, so 3433 is a favorite. If partner has six clubs he would surely bid, even with 4135/4225 he might bid as a NV passed hand. So it’s likely partner has only four clubs, which gives opener three. Opener could be 4153 but then partner has 4324 which would often be a takeout double as a passed hand.
So if we know the shapes, what to lead? It seems like we should lead one of our seven card fits and that’s either heart or club. It will depend on the honor layout in these suits though.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit