Caitlynne, on 2018-January-24, 18:28, said:
No question here: rebid 2S.
Any normal (i.e., non-special-meaning) rebid in clubs is unacceptable for two reasons: (1) it strong suggests fewer than good 3 card spade support while - to this point in the auction - the spade support is the most encouraging among the hand's assets; and (2)a 2C rebid understates while a 3C rebid overstates the likely playing values of the hand.
Beyond that, rebidding clubs focuses partner on clubs, so the suit purity is surely of suspect merit in that the good 3 card support for partner's long suit is obscured. If you rebid clubs, you basically neuter partner's ability to contribute intelligently to the discussion.
2S - a raise of a suit in which partner promises length - is the most encouraging thing you can do without overstating your honor values. It really is not close. You have a NICE minimum range opener in support of spades - yes, only a dead minimum 11 HCP, but a void, the top trump honor, and a club suit with promising potential to serve as a source of tricks.
Even 2H is better than any rebid of clubs. Partner will be obliged to show a fit or rebid a 5 card spade suit as top priorities. So if partner does rebid 2S, you could simply continue with a non-forcing but encouraging raise at only a modest overstatement of value. And, if partner can only bail (presumably with some Lebensohl-like contraption), you probably belong in 3C and will surely play there. It's an overbid for sure, but 2H produces an informative auction that empowers opener to reliably gauge the goodness of the partnership's fit. For that reason, the overbid is unlikely to earn a truly bad result. There is a big potential payoff too - partner might have 5+ spades with four good hearts. It does not take much to make a slam a strong proposition when there is a good heart fit (e.g., KQxxx, AKxx, xx, xx and 6H looks good while with KQxxx, AKxxx, xxx, void a combined 23 HCP grand slam is virtually cold. 2H might hit the jackpot.
2S= 100 points
2H = 40
2C = 10
3C = 10
Any normal (i.e., non-special-meaning) rebid in clubs is unacceptable for two reasons: (1) it strong suggests fewer than good 3 card spade support while - to this point in the auction - the spade support is the most encouraging among the hand's assets; and (2)a 2C rebid understates while a 3C rebid overstates the likely playing values of the hand.
Beyond that, rebidding clubs focuses partner on clubs, so the suit purity is surely of suspect merit in that the good 3 card support for partner's long suit is obscured. If you rebid clubs, you basically neuter partner's ability to contribute intelligently to the discussion.
2S - a raise of a suit in which partner promises length - is the most encouraging thing you can do without overstating your honor values. It really is not close. You have a NICE minimum range opener in support of spades - yes, only a dead minimum 11 HCP, but a void, the top trump honor, and a club suit with promising potential to serve as a source of tricks.
Even 2H is better than any rebid of clubs. Partner will be obliged to show a fit or rebid a 5 card spade suit as top priorities. So if partner does rebid 2S, you could simply continue with a non-forcing but encouraging raise at only a modest overstatement of value. And, if partner can only bail (presumably with some Lebensohl-like contraption), you probably belong in 3C and will surely play there. It's an overbid for sure, but 2H produces an informative auction that empowers opener to reliably gauge the goodness of the partnership's fit. For that reason, the overbid is unlikely to earn a truly bad result. There is a big potential payoff too - partner might have 5+ spades with four good hearts. It does not take much to make a slam a strong proposition when there is a good heart fit (e.g., KQxxx, AKxx, xx, xx and 6H looks good while with KQxxx, AKxxx, xxx, void a combined 23 HCP grand slam is virtually cold. 2H might hit the jackpot.
2S= 100 points
2H = 40
2C = 10
3C = 10
The only auction where 2C gets you in trouble is (A) in MPs where partner has 5 spades and a minimum (and not even all of those) or (B) in IMPs, 5 spades, a minimum, and 0-1 clubs. Certainly possible.
2S is probably wrong when partner has 4 spades, 2+ clubs, and a minimum. Also possible.
If partner has more than a minimum, either bid should be OK so long as you have decent methods (2D third-suit forcing if you rebid 2C or a way to check back on 3 vs 4 card support if you bid 2S).
Thus, assuming you bid 2D and you don't play Reverse Flannery, then if partner has a minimum with 5S, 4H, and 0-1 clubs, he just bids 2H (non-forcing) to ask you to pick a major (you'll bid 3C with a huge pile). If partner has an invite or better with 5 spades (maybe 4 hearts too, maybe not), he uses 2D third suit forcing, and you'll be able to hit all of your major suit fits.
If you do play Reverse Flannery (2H is a 5+/4+ minimum response; 2S is a 5/4 invite), then 2H is a game force with 4+ hearts and 2D is probably best played as game forcing also, though you can play it as a one-round force, too. Again, you'll hit all your major suit fits.
Either way, no need to make a crazy reverse into 2H, and no huge loss from bidding 2C.
System: Natural four-card majorsPairsWhat is your hand worth? Do you re-bid clubs and if so, at what level? Do you raise spades on a three card suit?