Infidel, on 2016-January-20, 10:03, said:
I had this discussion with a partner a year or so ago; she could not grasp the distinction between the reverse and Jump shift I gave up, treated opener's jump shift as if it were a reverse, which let me use Lebensohl to control weaker jumps. So we wound up rebidding 2S in the questioned sequence on 16+ (which immediately became "a good 15," and at least once on 14...), limiting the 1S rebid to a (clearly NF) minimum. It worked so well I now advocate it to partners who DO understand the difference.
I thought of you as this thread developed.
Explanation: I payed with Mike (Infidel) recently and he mentioned he wanted to play a 2M rebid by opener in this way, and I agreed. Of course it did not come up. I cannot recall a time when, playing the 2S as an absolute gf, I wished that I were not. But it is probably playable.
My thoughts (more of my thoughts, I guess):
Reverses offer few alternatives. Given a 3=1=4=5 shape with strong values, what alternative is there to opening 1C and then, after partner responds 1H, bidding 2D? You need a good hand to do this and you need some agreements about what happens next. But, fundamentally, you bid this way because it shows the suits that you have and there is no reasonable alternative.
!C-1H-2S is a different story. 1D-1H-1S is a reasonable way of bidding this hand when strong but w/o gf values. We can argue about which way is better, but there are these alternatives. With the 1C-1H-2D hand there was no decent alternative. (leaving aside big club systems and other such things)
No doubt you get something for allowing 1D-1H-2S on less than a gf hand, but you also get something by playing as an absolute gf (or, possibly) as an absolute gf except fot tightly defined sequences ending in 4C.
I prefer that 1D-1H-2S be an absolute gf and I doubt that I will be changing my mind about that. But I am a fairly relaxed sort of guy and if someone very much wants to play it this other way, it's ok. There are some agreements that I just won't play, but this one I can live with as long as I am not required to praise it.