If you trust partner to be trying to tell you he thinks 3NT may well not be the best contract, then bidding 3NT seems obviously wrong. At the same time, getting beyond 3NT is a little scary on such a weak hand.
This seems to me an example of the general theoretical problem that one of the most common statements you want to make is that you have support for partner's suit, but that this is the most expensive (in bidding space) statement that you can make as a natural bid.
It seems to me that a reasonable general solution to this problem is to exchange the meanings of the cheapest unbid suit and the raise in game-forcing situations like this. Having 1♠-1NT-3♦-3♥ show support for diamonds, 1♠-1NT-3♦-3♠ show tolerance for spades, and 1♠-1NT-3♦-3NT deny either would seem to cover the most likely situations.
Note that the only time the 'raise' goes beyond 3NT is when you are raising a major - and then you don't mind!
This works even better if you use PRO responses instead of 2/1 (i.e. reversing the meanings of 1♠-1NT-2♦-2♥ and 1♠-2♥ - similar to negative free bids). This way, 1♠-1NT-3♦-4♣ and 1♠-1NT-3♦-4♦ show 12+pts and a long unbid suit opposite 18+, so bypassing 3NT is not an issue.
your call after GF jump shift
Posted 2015-December-07, 14:47
if this bet is looks like the standar robot system( 18-21 Hcp and 4+D ) is mean game forcing With no 8 card fit major, (you need 4H from go 3H) i am going from 3nt? Hmm but here we have sineton s But again this hand is loks like far away from slam. Total 26 Hcp points if the partener have minumum but if we can count 3 point from short hand is looks like Slam try? Pff is really close...
ok final anwser 3nt and hope frm the best. in fact s and D have already beat dy partener
ok final anwser 3nt and hope frm the best. in fact s and D have already beat dy partener
Posted 2015-December-19, 23:09
Stephen Tu, on 2015-November-15, 22:34, said:
What's your plan? Plausible systemic calls are 3nt/4d/3s, 3s will elicit 4d if partner is 5-5.
What's your plan? Plausible systemic calls are 3nt/4d/3s, 3s will elicit 4d if partner is 5-5.
3h shd be a nt probe, asking for some help. it also allows pd to show a 64 or 55, or 2 c's. [2c is 5cd suit in civilized systems.] then bid 4d. but i train my partners to be 55, so raise immediately.