the_clown, on 2015-July-23, 09:51, said:
I would go low and bid only 1♠ as South (2♠ shows 5 for me and cuebidding with the wasted king of hearts is clear overbid).
Now North is kinda stuck and may pass or bid 2♥. Over 2♥ - South will just jump to 3NT.
What is your strength range for:
1. 1
♠ holding 4 cards?
2. 2
♥, intending to bid spades?
If you are otherwise playing methods close to standard, then you may have a serious gap.
The normal approach is for 1
♠ to be limited to a mediocre 8 count or so, and for the cuebid to be forcing one round. Typically, altho not universally, the cuebid establishes a force to the lower of game or suit agreement. Thus if partner bids 2
♠ over your cuebid, you may not pass....the only non-forcing calls you can make are 3
♠ or game. This very common approach means that the cuebid has to be based on about 11 hcp, altho obviously this can be shaded when advancer has useful shape. It creates a problem for 9-10 counts with 4 card spade suits if you play that 2
♠ requires a 5 card suit.
Any other method, such as allowing (an unpassed hand) advancer to cue and pass, places huge pressure on doubler, who has to jump or return the cue with any extras, such that the auction may be at the level of 3
♥ and the partnership hasn't even begun to find the strain in which it should be playing.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari