WesleyC, on 2014-December-01, 22:09, said:
Using double as 'take-out but able to tolerate a penalty pass' and 4NT as 'unilateral distributional takeout' is a perfectly sensible agreement. Holding a strong balanced hand, there is no need to double because if 4H is going down you are probably already on track for a good board.
In a similar vein, what does double mean in this auction?
All Vul
1H (P) 1NT (4S)
P (P) X
Last century it would have been penalties and I'm sure plenty of old school players still play it that way. However against sane opponents, there just isn't any value to this approach.
When I surveyed several top modern players, they all played double as some variant of "distributional take-out but able to tolerate a penalty pass".
If you read my post carefully, I don't assert that the double 'should' be penalty, but that is one viable option. The other logical option is transferable values, which is my preference. However, you and I part company on the notion that partner has to take out the double unless he has a couple of trump tricks and, indeed, I think you are contradicting yourself.
You correctly, imo, noted that the red v white 4
♥ bidder was bidding to make. What on earth makes you think that partner could hold a couple of heart tricks? That is one holding that is virtually impossible. So if you want 4N to be pure takeout and double to be takeout unless partner holds 2 trump tricks, you are wasting the double.
It is far better, imo, to play that double suggests that they rate to go down but that I can stand you bidding on an unusual hand.
You drew an analogy to a 4
♠ opening bid. I am somewhat out of date, but certainly when I was playing high level bridge, double of an opening 4
♠ was not penalty by any stretch but advancer was expected to leave it in with a flat, weak hand. Here too, double will and should be left in on many holdings, and as I tried to point our shape and honour location suggests this would be a bad thing. 4=1=3=5 would be a better holding, with the same values. 3==1=4=5 even better.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Dbl would be take-outish. Doesn't promise 4-card diamond 100% of the time but sure got points.
Considerable extras here. Will you call for them or let it be?