the play went as shown, reaching this 5 card ending (don't slag off my declarer play - yes i know there was a double squeeze after the non-cash of a 2nd heart trick - i was dummy).
you will note west should know the heart position, but for no sensible reason declined to cash his winner and east should know the diamond position.
declarer now calls for a spade from dummy. east plays the king of clubs, picks it up and substitutes his low club. north/south point out this isn't entirely cricket. east then says '1 club trick' and shows all his cards. north/south call the director. aside from another reference to club trick and a stream of polish nothing more can be extracted from east. the first director therefore summons a polish speaking director. the second [Chief] director comes and asks east what he's doing in polish, and he explains that he knew he was being show up squeezed and declarer would make all the tricks if he had aq of clubs, and that if declarer didn't have the queen there was a club loser. after the initial debacle and having to wait for 2 directors, you will appreciate a reasonable amount of time has elapsed and all the cards have been shown before we hear the full story from east.
you will note that east actually has to keep his diamond and perforce will never personally make a club trick, and what west has to keep is dependent on what declarer keeps (declarer is squeezed first) but west perforce has to keep an accurate count on south's remaining cards.
director ruled 1 trick to EW which was upheld on appeal, though I did get my get 20 euros back, yay.