aguahombre, on 2014-September-09, 05:35, said:
A player who didn't make a negative double on the previous round, all of a sudden discovers he holds a negative double when his RHO rebids the same suit? I am pretty sure no jurisdiction or person who thinks the penalty double of 3D in the OP case is alertable has "managed to get it right."
The EBU do not 'think' this double is alertable; they have stipulated that it is. What is the objection to alerting a call that the SO have told you very clearly that you should?
What the EBU have is a blanket rule that is easy to explain, understand and follow. Yes, this results in counterintuitive situations, like alerting an "obvious" (to a beginner?) penalty double, but so what? Do you think that a list of hundreds of auctions would be better?
EDIT: crossed the post above, rather than imitated it.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones -- Albert Einstein