Posted 2014-August-13, 15:57
I think 2N should be any two-suiter (not spades, obviously). Note that over 2♥, one can bid the other major at the 2-level so it makes some sense to reserve 2N for the minors, but over spades, using 2N as any 2-suiter greatly increases the number of holdings one can bid....and who wants to bid 3♥ on a 5 card suit?
As for the shape promised, I think, quite strongly, that it should be 5-5 or better, precisely because on this auction it is common for opener to bid some more, and now we need partner to be able to assess the situation with more precision than is possible when it could be less shapely.
One needs to consider how auctions, and play, will proceed. IMO, far too many people like to 'get busy' with poor shape and poor values, without properly assessing the issues that this strategy poses for partner.
When we rate to be outbid, and thus are probably bidding to go down less than the value of their contract, we need to be careful.
Consider: if our hand is random,, then partner will be passing many times when he ought to be bidding, because he can't assess risk. Not only do we now miss a good contract, but we have drawn a roadmap for declarer who can play almost double-dummy on many hands. Conversely, when he bids expecting 5-5 and we disappoint him, we rate to have what happened to the OP.
It can see 'macho' and 'expert' to bid on crap, and there are times when one should/can, but this seems not to be one such case. After all, responder has limited his hand, and our 2N takes away no useful bidding space from the opps. That means that there are limited upsides to semi-random bidding against strong opps. 2N on random hands seems to me to be tactics that do well against bad players, but everything does well against bad players.
Edit: the above is aimed mostly at imps. IMO, one saves more rarely at mps than at imps, so getting in the auction more frequently at a low level and pushing them to the 3=level makes more sense at mps.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari