Official BBF 2014 World Cup Thread about all around football and samba
Posted 2014-July-12, 08:36
Posted 2014-July-12, 09:38
Its not the first time german team is a favorite but such a mania as in these days I did not see till now. If they will not win I belive ths land will fall in total schock.
Posted 2014-July-12, 15:34
Just like in bridge championships it seems inhumane to make them play this match heh
Posted 2014-July-12, 15:58
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2014-July-12, 16:50
George Carlin
Posted 2014-July-12, 19:54
gwnn, on 2014-July-12, 16:50, said:
Yeah. Which is superior for NED? I would guess that their best defensive player being red carded in the first 2 minutes and having a free kick from right outside the box is superior in EV than having silva yellowcarded but getting a penalty kick. They are both awesome obv and I don't know soccer so maybe I'm wrong but they must at least be pretty close? Missing the PK and having silva YC seems like such a disaster though, playing 10 vs 11 with the best defensive player out for an entire game while also getting a great free kick opportunity 100 % of the time seems better, even if the PK is like 80 %.
Posted 2014-July-13, 00:40
The question penalty / free kick is a matter of observation. It is easy to say that the foul started outside the box, but that is not the criterion. The criterion is that if any part of the foul occurred in the penalty box it is a penalty kick. Then it is not such an easy call. At the point where Thiago Silva lets Robben go, Robben is certainly with both legs inside the box (which is not the criterion). Even in slow motion (and I have seen it about 25 times now) I find it very hard to see whether the hand is on or off Robben's shoulder when the hand and shoulder are crossing the line.
Giving a red card, however, is about the easiest call in the rule book. There was no other defender around (this is not difficult to see) and a scoring opportunity was taken away: red card.
But I think the referee made many major mistakes without particularly favoring a side:
Robben's yellow card was ridiculous.
In the second half, Brasil should have gotten a penalty kick (but got a yellow card).
Robben should have gotten a penalty kick.
to name a few.
If FIFA wants to take the 3rd/4th place game serious (and they say they do) then they should send a serious referee.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2014-July-13, 02:29
PhantomSac, on 2014-July-12, 19:54, said:
Yes, I agree with this. Normally I would prefer a goal for my team to a red card, but this time it was so early, and Brazil looked so fragile in the back (with or without Thiago Silva), that I think a red card+FK has gotta be superior.
George Carlin
Posted 2014-July-13, 03:50
gwnn, on 2014-July-13, 02:29, said:
Not only was this early, but it was also in a match that could have lasted 120 minutes instead of 90. Essentially Brasil woudl have had the choice between three evils: Lose, having to score, or play 117 minutes with 10 vs 11.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2014-July-13, 16:05
Posted 2014-July-13, 16:38
MrAce, on 2014-May-31, 09:25, said:
Gary Lineker
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-July-13, 18:23
Posted 2014-July-14, 01:00
Cyberyeti, on 2014-July-13, 16:09, said:
Well but they didn't, did they? That's kind of the point. The better team won because composure in front of goal is a factor in making a team good. Incidentally, Germany also hit the bar
George Carlin
Posted 2014-July-14, 01:07

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2014-July-14, 03:09
George Carlin
Posted 2014-July-14, 03:34
gwnn, on 2014-July-14, 03:09, said:
I thought no foul either way would have been fair. Neuer was clearly going all out for the ball and won it easily. It was only after he won the ball there was the contact. But Higuain was going all out for the ball and was unaware of what was happening so it didn't seem like a foul from him. I'm certainly no expert, but that's what I felt. I thought the more debatable question was if Neuer was still in the box with his hands as that seemed close.
Posted 2014-July-14, 03:46
gwnn, on 2014-July-14, 03:09, said:
No foul by Neuer, Higuain didn't really go for the ball, he was on the ground when contact was made which is why the free kick was given against him although I wouldn't have given the free kick. I thought he was just inside the area, but didn't really see it from a good angle.
I thought the ref and linesmen had an excellent game, they missed a few little things in unimportant areas of the pitch which is always going to happen, but got all the important decisions right.
Posted 2014-July-14, 05:48
(I also thought tat Germany was clearly dominating the game. (JOKE!!!))