desperate times indeed, assuming LHO has KQ10x.
I read the spoiler, since to analyze the play without knowing what happened at trick 2 seemed silly.
I'm actually not even going to try to make the contract.
I think that against accurate defence, assuming that at trick 3 my heart 9 was covered by the 10, I can't make the contract. If LHO holds the diamond A, he clears hearts and eventually wins the diamond to cash the 5th defensive trick.
So assume RHO holds the Ace. If he has 3 or more, then he ducks the first diamond. I can't squeeze him.
Say LHO cleared hearts, and I come to my hand in spades to lead a diamond, ducked. I run my spades. Even if rho is the only one guarding the minors, he just stiffs his diamond: I have no club spots so can't endplay him.
I can make if RHO has the stiff diamond Ace, but I am going down 2 when he doesn't, assuming they cleared hearts. I never get a diamond trick and eventually lose a 2nd club for -2. The imp odds make it silly to play for an extremely low percentage make. -2 costs 2 imps while making 3 gains 10. The odds against RHO having the stiff diamond A are a lot higher than 5-1.
I suspect I have missed something. My excuse is that it is early here, and I haven't had any coffee so far
Edit: sorry, Gonzalo, but I think this was a bad problem: I went to your website hoping to see I had missed something. I really think that it is bad bridge to make this contract.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari