Posted 2014-January-27, 15:12
Thank you for giving us the diamond 98 combo.
We have 2 (almost) sure trump tricks, and on some layouts can score 3, so this is a very comfortable pass for me. That doesn't mean I am 100% sure this will be our par spot, but it does mean that I feel the percentages are overwhelmingly in favour.
Bear in mind that the alternatives are awful.
If we bid 3N (puke), opposite any hand where we have play, we will be higher, and may well be in slam. If we bid 4♣ (nausea, but not quite vomiting), if we stop and make it, we would probably have done better on defence, but more often partner will raise on any hand that gives us play in 4, and then the doubling begins.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari