32519, on 2013-October-13, 23:22, said:
This one made me laugh. Mikeh always leads the crowd in expressing his opinions in religion threads, and this one is no exception. A question: why is your opinion "your own" while his is "regurgitated"?
Suppose a worldwide poll was held in which every one of the 7 billion plus inhabitants was forced to participate. The question on the ballot paper is this:
Voters are given the following two choices –
1. It all started with a BIG BANG 14 500 000 000 years ago
2. It came about at the hands of a super-natural being
How do you believe the vote will go? You may easily end up with a situation where the number of spoilt ballot papers outnumbers 1 & 2 combined. How do you think option 1 is going to fare?
Truth is not a popularity contest. Majority vote is irrelevant. Interestingly, even if you limit yourself to surveying religious believers, you will find very large numbers of "votes" for differing propositions. For example:
1. jesus christ is the son of god and savior.
2. he is not.
Globally, you will find point 1 to be in the minority. Does this sway your opinion?
In my early twenties I was trapped in a very similar situation to the one you are now in. I too rejected outright the possible existence of a super-natural being. I too was carefully selecting the books and newspaper articles which I was reading to back up my self-denial. I too was engaging believers in all sorts of arguments; if there is a God why does he allow all this misery and inequality and diseases and rape and murder and whatever you care to name?
An interesting question. What is your answer?
So I am inviting you to take your first step as well. Start with something that won't threaten you in any way e.g. make a printout of the link higher up in this thread and watch the Matrix movie again. Invite Vampyr to join you.
OK, Pink Floyd and The Matrix. Got it.