Gerben42, on 2013-April-05, 17:04, said:
To illustrate, most parties want to increase social welfare levels, whereas the real problem is not the benefits for the jobless (I know what I am talking about I was in this situation for half a year, it's quite possible to make ends meet on jobless benefits, and there is even room to go to the bridge club every week), but that those in bad-paying jobs earn just a bit more than the welfare level.
Just today I read that there is a shortage in people to take care for the elderly, and that it's hard to even find applicants from other EU countries (with much lower standard of living): They prefer to go somewhere else, given the chance.
Therefore my suggestion would be: No income tax on a larger sum than currently is the case (It was raised a bit I think from 8000 € to 8500 € I think, but it should really be at least € 15000), and a higher income tax on everything that is more than three times the average. And very high income tax on everything that is more than ten times the average (but still less than Francois Hollande's 75% - that is overdoing it).
ok but why? I mean what it your plan? What is your goal and your plan to achieve it?
Per the links here....even in Germany and Europe inequality is great.
btw2 I know this is an old point but does it does it seem major parts of Europe...want to become a Museum a pretty museum where people with lots of education discuss the wonders of the world in a very interesting fashion(and much more interesting than vast most) but take very little risk onto themselves.
What I don't see....I don't see at all in any of the posts in this thread is an attitude of entrepreneurial culture where risk and failure is as natural and necessary for success