barmar, on 2012-October-09, 09:13, said:
This double doesn't seem to fall into any of the exceptions (( c) only applies when a suit has been bid, not NT).
This looks like a traditional Lightner double to me, an 80+ year old treatment.
If the final contract had been 6 of a suit other than hearts, and the double asked for a heart lead, it would clearly have been alertable, ancient treatment or not. I don't see any logical reason for your assertion that ( c ) only applies when a suit has been bid. It still asks for a lead of a suit other than the suit doubled. No suit was doubled, so it asks for a lead of one of the other suits, specifically hearts.
It does not say: "Doubles or redoubles of a suit that are lead-directing but ask for the lead of a suit other than the one doubled (or redoubled)"
And software that changes ( c ) when closed up to © might be changed too! Or is there a way to circumvent that?
And yes, aguahombre, some calls over 3NT are alertable in England.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar