Aside from one suit, the details of the hands are irrelevent.
West asked North about the 2♠ bid and he shrugged his shoulders and said he did not know.
At the end of the auction, I (East) asked to look at their convention card (they had only one between them) and it said 2♠ was a transfer to ♣ and 2N a transfer to ♦.
Holding ♣AKJxx, it did not make sense to lead clubs, so I tried something else and declarer rattled of 11 tricks. Dummy had 3 small clubs and declarer 2 small clubs.
South now insists that 2♠ is a relay to 3♣, pass or correct.
I called the director, since we seem not to have received correct information about their agreements and could have taken 5 club tricks off the top.
The ruling was a split, with the opps getting their +660 and us +100. Does this seem like the right ruling?