MrAce, on 2012-April-17, 23:59, said:
Basically, declarer ducking the 1st ♣ is an indicator that he cant see 9th trick without having to concede a trick to defense and this is most likely the ♦ suit. Pd has at most ♠ K (if he has Ace we defeat this anyway, we dont have to play the suit)
So declarer is probably
without guessing the ♠J finesse he has 3♠+2♥ and if he took the first ♣ he was dead anyway, and when ducked now he cant come to 9 tricks if we just exit with ♥ even if he manages to make 3♦ tricks without letting our pd to hold the hand. He has to let you hold 1 time in both red suits thats 2 tricks for defense + 1st ♣ trick and u wait with AQ ♣ all day long after that.
A good effort but not quite true against a competent declarer, who knows that he can make the contract only if you hold both red kings.
He will take the heart finesse, come to hand with a spade to play another heart from hand (letting your heart king hold whenever you play it), finish the hearts, then test the spades from the top and finally play
♦A, diamond to endplay you in clubs.
Rainer Herrmann