In the final set, declarer led a trump, the ♣4, from dummy, RHO played the ♣2 and the ♣3 fell out out declarer's hand onto the table. It was the rightmost card in her hand and there was complete agreement from RHO that the card had fallen and there was no sense of it being chosen, or played, by declarer. However, in such an important event, I was called to the scene.
Scouring through Law 45 and Law 47 I could find no way of letting her pick it up, but eventually I noticed Law 48 concerned declarer's exposed cards and that "Declarer is not required to play any card dropped accidentally." was in Law 48A. Ruling duly given, although it seems a little unfair that defenders cannot pick up cards in similar circumstances subject to normal UI constraints. Especially when you consider that a defender can purposefully expose all his cards, and pick them up again, when he makes an erroneous claim (in such circumstances normal UI contraints are applied) - of course this came up too otherwise I would not have known it

Anyhow, ten seconds after my ruling the table explodes into laughter. Declarer had apparently played the ♣A and LHO had shown out, so playing the dropped card would have been a play that the Rabbit would have appreciated.